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S. Richards

Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by S. Richards

  1. I now present exhibit A: Chicken Legs...
  2. My father has 27 years on the force and this is what he said to your last two questions: 1. Some departments will allow you to use your own firearm as long as they approve of it and you qualify on the range with it. Others have a standard issue firearm that you must use and cannot substitute. Your best bet if you wanna use your own firearms is to become a deputy and make it to sheriff in some town where everyone knows everyone. 2. My father said the State Police Academy was harder then boot camp for some. Your first day there, you'd be standing in a suit and tie with your bags in hand and then the instructors would run you up and down flights of stairs for a good portion of the day. They also had a marathon runner come and run the troop to improve their cardio. That first question, well obviously police departments like L.A.P.D. are really dangerous. they have their own division dedicated to recruitment due to the fact that they on average lose 30 officers a month to either death, quiting or corruption. They're also twice as likely to shoot themselves then get shot by a violent felon according to statistics. Other places such as Maysville, NC, the worst crime to happen there was breach of the peace by some guy playing his music too loud while cruising through that bumfuck nowhere place. Either way, your playing with fire just being a police officer altogether: Take a look Don't know if you remember that whole incident, but there was no obvious motive for that prick to kill four cops doing paperwork at a coffee shop. When I told my dad I was thinking about becoming a police officer myself this is what he said: Dad "What do ya wanna be a cop for? The gun, the badge? You should go be a firefighter." 17yr me "I don't wanna be a firefighter, why the fuck do I wanna save cats out of trees?" Dad "Listen, your body has a breaking limit. Sure, 24 years old comes and you can hop fences and tackle criminals all day. But what about when your fifty like me with arthritis?" Dad "Besides when you see a police car outside of your house what do you automatically think of? Oh shit what did I do, right? When people see firefighters outside of their houses they're happy because they know your there to help, not fuck em over." I'd just take it all in stride my friend and keep your options open
  3. I wish I had them for my COC in 2nd CivDiv Job Reconnaissance. Instead I got stuck with my BNCO being Col. Mustard and XO is Capt. Planet. And I'm deployed, stuck in FOB Jobless
  4. Now I'm unemployed, currently a vagabond. Jobs anyone? Good with a rifle and pistol, can use it anywhere (Preferably not shoving it up ones own ass )
  5. Hotel Co., follow series, plt 2085, Senior Drill Instructor Staff Sergeant Curry, Heavy Hat Drill Instructor Sergeant Ochoa, Kill Hat Drill Instructor Sergeant Burnside. 99 came, 64 graduated. KILL THE WOUNDED, EAT THE DEAD. DI: WALK THAT TIGHT ROPE, PLT: TIGHT TIGHT TIGHT, DI: WE WALKING THAT TIGHT ROPE, PLT: TIGHT TIGHT TIGHT, DI: WE-WALK-THAT-TIGHT ROPE, PLT: WE CRACK THEIR SKULLS! There was a drill instructor in Golf Co. same time I was there that was sick and tired of a recruit not sounding off loud enough, so he went to the DI hut and came back with a loaded Glock and stuck it in the kids mouth and told him to scream. He screamed and cried for his life
  6. I wouldn't bet on it seeing as how they just ignored it and drove past your outburst at 2:22.
  7. Replace the W in MW3 with an E and that's what I'm really waiting for. Besides, I'll just skip MW3 and get MW4 when it comes out 10 months later if I want more crap about renegade generals killing JSOC teams, a stereotypical russian lunatic for a villain or more of Captain Prices moustache.
  8. Gah, the infernal damnation of marriage...
  9. Feast thy eyes. Palermo: Avalanche:
  10. 20 - 1 on Palermo starting out as wehrmacht sniper was my single best run. Also found an older screenshot from 5/6 years ago showing 33 - 3 on Avalanche.
  11. Drink a better beer. And yes, if your gonna drink be sure to hydrate as well with water. I also tend to eat bread to soak up the alcohol so it's not so harsh on the stomach. +1
  12. Well, while I'm waiting for steam to rectify their maintenance mess since I'm missing my BCT I figured I'd just post some of the music I'm into. Hardcore is a form of techno with beats that range to about 150-200 bpm, very aggressive bass. Neophyte - the New Shit (Marilyn Manson Remix) Angerfist - Dance with the Wolves Accelerator - Can't break me down (30 secs to mars remix) Neophyte & Tieum - Les Saboteurs (Beastie Boys remix)
  13. I swear to christ if you play that backwoods rap at the beach, I'm leaving.
  14. Good luck brother. Have fun sleeping at attention and staying up listening to people screw up their post on firewatch when you get there (Recruit: Sir this recruit reports 98 recruits all secure, 98 rifles all secure, 98 footballs all sec.../Drill Instructor: What, What?! What the fuck, we got footballs now?!?!?/Recruit: Ahh, no..no sir this recruit meant to say footlockers/Drill Instructor: Your staying up all god damn night until you find me a football!) lol. 2nd bn Hotel Co. is where it's at
  15. LMFAO, deep south Jockey, WEEOOOOOOOOOO!!!
  16. Don't ask me why man, but this is what I hear when I look at that picture Piano playing
  17. I personally like the insurgent RPG fail where he shoots the building directly in front of him. Bears so much resemblance to DoD's lol. RPG Fail
  18. Me with my 2 year old son, Dean
  19. I'm totally thinking about that uncut Flamethrower.
  20. Name: Cpl._#ln(e^1) Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:26745748 Reasons for the Ban: Aimbot; Kitsune also spec'd and witnessed this. Recommended duration of ban: Permanent Demo Provided?: Y Aimbotter.dem
  21. Nah uh! It definitely shrinks the testiculars, which makes it look bigger...uhh And Hastings, I noticed the girl in black is wearing dog tags, who's the man in blue? Ain't no use in goin home, Jody's got your girl and gone. Ain't no use in goin back, Jody's got your Cadillac, Ain't no use in feeling blue, Jody's took your checkbook too.
  22. I'm literally laughing my ass off. Touche! I don't use spotters btw
  23. Happy Birthday!
  24. Understood. Never again.
  25. I was only able to recover half of the epic recruitment fight we had from console but here it is: ΛИīMλL |ßÄЯ|: Harding blows dogs for quarters. Come watch at www.1stmarineraiders.com Pfc. D. Harding [1st MRB]: Animal fucks possums for welfare checks. Come see at 1stmarineraiders.com ΛИīMλL |ßÄЯ|: Hardings pro at riding saddles. Not horses though. Train with him at www.1stmarineraiders.com Craftkiller: Hardings performs misionary position for the sole purpose of procreation. See it at www.1stmarineraiders.com Pfc. D. Harding [1st MRB]: Animal pays hobos to lick his dingleberries at 1stmarineraiders.com ΛИīMλL |ßÄЯ|: Harding does battle with other mens purple helmeted spartans of love. Stories on www.1stmarineraiders.com Pfc. D. Harding [1st MRB]: I saw animal at a lemon party. Theres no joke to that. ΛИīMλL |ßÄЯ|: Harding is on top on meatspin ΛИīMλL |ßÄЯ|: he's sat through 10,000 spins Craftkiller: K98s arn't just for shooting anymore, find out more at 1stmarineraiders.com ΛИīMλL |ßÄЯ|: If harding was any more retarded, he'd be watered twice a week Leon St. James: harding's gotta make sure he greases that balloon knot up 'til it's nice n' shiny Pfc. D. Harding [1st MRB]: animal is so retarded, he makes the special olympics seem normal Leon St. James: and when he pushes down on that meaty rod, he looks towards heaven and yells Hallelujah! Leon St. James: harding was raped at a Run DMC concert with a shard of glass ΛИīMλL |ßÄЯ|: Harding robs hookers at the 4 corners. Documentary on www.1stmarineraiders.com Pfc. D. Harding [1st MRB]: Animal kicks 12 year old girls in the vag at 1stmarineraiders.com ΛИīMλL |ßÄЯ|: I do perform abortions for free, it's true Leon St. James: i performed a vasectomy on harding by uppercutting him in the stinky wallet ΛИīMλL |ßÄЯ|: Harding takes the last name of his male spouse. Witness their matrimony at www.1stmarineraiders.com Leon St. James: Harding got dumptrucked by a WWI vet last night. See the video at 1stmarineraiders.com (Dead) Bill Nye the Zombie guy|ßÄЯ|: Oh God, my sides, the laughter! ΛИīMλL |ßÄЯ|: Oh god, my ass, the pain! Says harding after a hard day of work on the corner Leon St. James: when god gives you lemons, you suck god off and throw the lemons at harding's taint Pfc. D. Harding [1st MRB]: Animal fucks goats with his dick wrapped in sandpaper ΛИīMλL |ßÄЯ|: Harding rufies drinks at the blue oyster(Gay Bar). Stories on www.1stmarineraiders.com
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