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S. Richards

Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by S. Richards

  1. Thank you for the info. I'll let him know the final ruling.
  2. On the way to the gym today.
  3. Greatly appreciated sir, I'll be sure to let him know.
  4. I've been asked to post this request on the behalf of RaptorSS, due to his poor english: Name: [ЯΛPTØЯ کک] Steam I.D: Don't have it on hand, I can get it from Raptor when he returns if needed. Date & Time of ban: A couple days ago from today. Admin who banned you: Not to sure, believe it was Capt. Englebretson. Excuse for the Unban: He's not sure why he was banned, and would like to find out so he can rectify and/or apologize for the discrepancy and resume playing on the server. Any information on this ban would be greatly appreciated.
  5. 13:51, There's always at least one retard in every military outfit
  6. He's my kind of Hero. The Navy Seal
  7. I've only had one encounter with this pubber so far, and as far as I'm concerned it was one too many. He is very defiant to simple requests even when not aimed towards him and he does seem to empty out the pub of a few people with his antics. I'm providing a short demo where I ask the pub to even teams and I get automatic bs from SHLSHK. Link provided below: SHLSHK demo
  8. U.S. Marine (M1a1 Tank Crewmember), on my way out the door and back to the free world in 3 weeks. I'm working on taking on a contract overseas for some PSD/WPPS work with Blackwater (Xe/US Training Center) in Afghanistan. If all goes well, I should rake in a cool $135,000 at 75% non-taxable. Of course that is if I come back in one piece lol. Scout Stapler Sniper Typer
  9. Happy Birthday broheim.
  10. 1st Name: Moby Dick 2nd Name: Captain Ahab 1st Steam I.D: "Moby Dick" STEAM_0:0:28249604 54:22 202 0 active 2nd Steam I.D: "Captain AHAB" STEAM_0:0:16882268 48:01 231 0 active Reasons for the Ban: Can't grow up and create their own server for their shenanigans. While I didn't observe these two tking anybody else but each other, they are just a waste of slots on the server and are keeping people who actually wanna play from joining. Score for Moby when I joined was -7 and Captain Ahab -2. Recommended duration of ban: 2 Weeks and/or whatever you deem fitting Demo Provided?: Y mobydicktk.dem
  11. Terminator/Predator hands down. There's almost no contest when it comes to quotes coming from one of Arnie's films.
  12. I'll be getting it for sure, I'm really hoping it knocks CoD on it's ass
  13. Name: Danny Schrott Steam I.D: # 541 "DannySchrott" STEAM_0:0:18861958 10:41 1060 0 active# Reasons for the Ban: Spraying gay porn, intentional tking. Demo shows tking, but not the initial act of spraying gay porn, though numerous pubbers have witnessed and identified him doing it. Edit: Apparently the gay porn spray does not show up in the demo, but it's the same african american peewee sucking show thats plagued the server in the past couple weeks. Recommended duration of ban: Permanent Demo Provided?: Y dannyisahomo.dem
  14. How do you transform something that's already obviously a bear in disguise as a human?
  15. S. Richards


    A perfect example of great patriarchy in slowly turning matriarchal society. I dear say, a man true to his dutiful obligations of raising a young whippersnapper into a wise ass, I am proud to call him a compatriot.
  16. And im sure the Jabbawockeez ripped off someone else. Wearing masks in hip-hop/Dubstep new style/street dancing has been done since it's innovation, it's nothing new or special. It's like saying MushroomHead ripped off Slipknot. But, Marion Motin has some sick neuromuscular control, and she's gorgeous 0:50 for chest dancing I wish my wife could do And her crew isn't bad either: Swaggers crew, all female.
  17. That Ssgt. was deployed with our sister company over there, Charlie co. They're in a pretty tough spot, especially on their route clearance mission. They've already taken numerous casualties, double leg amputees and even more limbs lost and they've been over for only about 3 weeks now. I'm really hoping CEB and Charlie get back soon But back on topic, it's good to now Ole' Miss has got the backs of their serviceman, especially against Phelps and his lunatics.
  18. Negative Nancy!
  19. Pretty BA demo showing off the Unreal Engine 3. http://youtu.be/RSXyztq_0uM Plus another demo of the Unreal Engines environment effects. http://youtu.be/h5XahF-3DWo
  20. I got A cups, I can work with it.
  21. Why is there never a Gaining Muscle Challenge with a prize? Or biggest gain in Bicep Circumference?
  22. I've been raping the replay trying to figure out how to move the chest like her at 04:32 Dubstep France
  23. Just watching some Doomtree music vids and stumbled onto this french animation. Blew my mind. Coffee Kills
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