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S. Richards

Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by S. Richards

  1. Gah, scuttlebutt be floating around the ship. You swore you'd never tell! </3
  2. Been laughing all day because of this. Allison is a zombie now
  3. I'm sorry for your loss brother. I've lost quite a few in Iraq and a couple to Marjah. A good chunk of my boot camp class that are in combat arms are no longer with us. This pissed me off the most, he was from our TOW's section in my BN: Good kid, Bullshit way to go.
  4. More like drop the ball and then call the Marines back in to clean up their mess. Just curious, have you ever noticed in the Marine Corps Times obituary section that when Soldiers die, they always die with their battle buddy same unit/same day/same battle if not half their squad KIA, were as Marines are usually a single name from one unit. Kinda speaks volume as to who trains better and harder. Thank god for stress cards
  5. Nothing more than a fake ass SEAL team if you ask me. Personally, they're cool dudes to chill with and shoot the shit. But they're not Tier 2, let alone Tier 1 capable. They're just special operations capable and most of the time I see or hear of them, they're usually in an embedded element training up the foreign armies.
  6. Eh, I listened to them alot in middle school, which kind of killed it for me. I went to high school and got into the cliche mindset that only bands you've never heard of were good. Then after hitting the gym so much and running out of new music I started listening to them again, and you gotta admit, it takes some creativity and talent to have nine people simultaneously playing on stage and making it sound good no less making a song instead of a collection of nihilistic and primitive noises with instruments.
  7. I could listen to slipknot all day in the gym, never gets old. Trash stays with trash, and recyclables go with recyclables, gotta keep em seperated
  8. Well, Jones has a part time job he neglected to speak of, and upon discovering it I've also ruined my childhood. lol (NSFW)
  9. Totally agreed Zahl. The whole thing with Westboro Baptist church demonstrating their hate for gays by picketing with signs saying "Thank God for IED's/Dead Soldiers" at military funerals under the right of free speech is another prime example of taking it too far. However, I personally don't believe the muslim community pursued this as a means to act increasingly violent with purpose though. I do believe that the extremists more than likely with more technological advantages over the common population of the arab world caught wind of this story and spun it to its own ideaological purposes and spread by word of mouth to the commonwealth with limited access of news from the western hemisphere. With as much problems the US government is running into these days, a complete reform of the Constitution couldn't hurt as much as another superpower losing a war in Afghanistan. And yeah man, war is a completely alien act to most people, I dare say most people prejudice it by default unintentionally due to the media. Perfect example: Not graphic or gory, but a man does die, be warned. Most of you saw that Marine put a 5.56 round through the chest of that wounded Iraqi who was no obvious threat, morally and ethically wrong correct? What I saw and know was that the Marine put a round through the chest of a wounded insurgent about to commit martyrdom while he was clutching a grenade to his chest with full intent to take out nearby Marines with him.
  10. Well, Vietnam had the My Lai Massacre. Desert Storm had Hussein and the gassing of the Kurds. Iraqi Freedom had Abu Ghraib. Now, Operation Enduring Freedom has Terry Jones. I tell you what, I'd give an arm and a leg to be in a room with that man for half a day with the following items: PVC pipe Concertina wire Surgical Scalpel Vice grip pliers Car batteries plus jumpers Ball peen hammer Gasoline plus lighter Nothing but some Decamethonium and Adrenaline, in case he passes out of course.
  11. Finally, proof that one man can really fuck it up for the rest of us. You couldn't be more wrong sir. Not a religion of peace and love? Haha, when was the last time you visited the Arab world pal? I remember walking the streets of Akashat in full gear, rifle, combat load of ammo and not a care for the smelly shithole, yet the kids came out and said hi to me, with a smile on their face. They ran back inside their houses and came out with a armful of dates for me to eat (Poor town btw, not much food) and then actually had me playing an Iraqi version of Pattycake with them. Promotes violence? Islam does not, extremist do. And the only reason muslims support extremist is for exacting revenge on the morons who burn their holy book, which, face it, might as well be everyone of us now because of the propaganda the extremist can now twist and spin out of this so it looks like all westerners burn the Quran. The death of UN workers highly unacceptable for the United States? Hmm, I guess more acceptable is for a man of "faith" to become intolerant of others and burn their most prized possesion, their religion. Step back and read the Holy Bible again buddy, and take a closer look at your ethical values because they need some serious re-tooling. And if that fails, call yourself a patriot then, but your a terrorist to me. I swore an oath to protect this country I call Home from terrorist, Domestic or Abroad, and your little publicity stunt of so-called patriotism just put the lives of every westerner, not just the US but it's allies as well, in jeopardy, on top of undoing all the humanitarian aid, winning hearts and minds and the sacrifices of men/women with much more intestinal fortitude and patriotism for their country then you could ever hope to have. Well, call yourself an American there padre. But I'd rather give my life saving an innocent Afghan from a firefight than give it protecting your freedoms to spout intolerance and hate. And I'm really glad I have a scapegoat to blame when my best friends get recalled and killed from the fucking mess you created, because this war is going for another decade now. The Terrorists I met in Iraq.
  12. Looking better already mate
  13. In my opinion I would bring more contrast to your sergeant chevrons in the background. And agreed with everyone else on the name. Other then that, well done and creative.
  14. Congratulations brother, mines on the way to his terrible two's. Gah, time to start childproofing all sockets and sharp objects haha.
  15. Haha, the belligerent shitbag gets sniped, oh the irony And of course I'm talking about the character in story, not the actual person, just to avoid confusion.
  16. Wow, memories. Think I was six or seven at the time, good stuff man.
  17. But what they found instead, was sheer terror. lmao
  18. The vehicle directly behind us was a Cougar 6x6. To the left is a 4x4, and on the right is an up-armored 7 ton troop carrier. We're also starting to get these now: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oshkosh_M-ATV
  19. Please tell me I'm not the only one.
  20. If I only could look like him back in '76 I'd be rather comfortable with myself lol
  21. Bald, Center of platoon, hunched over.
  22. Russia isn't gonna know what hit em when I get there lol
  23. This got so off-topic lmao. Everybody has to start somewhere man. Weightlifting of almost any sort is 20% lifting, 80% diet and 100% dedication. Started off 150lbs 3 years ago, gained 60lbs with proper dieting and daily throwing around of the iron. Don't forget to take your Casein protein, your body starves itself when it sleeps so unless you want your body to cannibalize those muscles and hard work it's best to atleast eat as soon as you wake up
  24. That kid looks like a cross between something out of the movie Wrong Turn and a young Meatloaf. Besides that, this video completely terrifies me.
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