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S. Richards

Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by S. Richards

  1. I'm more into bodybuilding, it would seem that your routine is more geared towards powerlifting which would make sense for football. But, regardless, those lifts of yours are beast. My deadlifts, I try to isolate all towards lower back instead of legs, not saying I don't cheat with my legs with heavier weight but I'm working on the V-taper currently. I honestly need to work out my legs more, probably the most neglected part of my routine. Ehh, I'll alternate between Jack3d and Superpump, but I've just started going el natural, no pre-workout, no creatine, no protein shakes. Just hardcore dieting. Easier on the wallet too instead of dropping $300 at GNC every 3 weeks.
  2. That second song caught me by surprise, diggin it though. 1st vid is fuckin awesome, gotta start the DL on them for road trips haha.
  3. Welcome to the lovely neighborhood of Pine Bluff, Arkansas. BTW, lands cheap here.
  4. In popular music, a break is an instrumental or percussion section or interlude during a song derived from or related to stop-time – being a "break" from the main parts of the song or piece. -wikipedia- Basically when the guitar gets extremely heavy and slow in rythym to break up the song.
  5. Hacks, training wheels...
  6. I'm always looking for some great solo's and breakdowns I've might of missed in the passing years. Post favorites, I'll start. Favorite acoustic solo. Favorite breakdown breakdown
  7. 5' 10" 213lbs at 10% BF comp. 32" waist, 18" arms. Each of these are my 3 rep max. Benching 315lbs flat legs elevated, 225lbs incline. Alternating curls 65lbs. Cable curls 180lbs. Deadlifting 500lbs olympia style, all lower back no legs. Skullcrushing 120lb EZ curl bar. military shoulder pressing 185lb barbell. Bent over dumbell rows 140lb dumbell, leg pressing 1050lbs. Nothing but a pair of Harbinger wrist straps, some Superpump Max, Animal Stak, M-stak and Pump, 5,230 calories a day, 7 meals a day, 420g of protein a day. 6 days on, 1 day off. I'd be the first one to tell you I no shit live at the gym, it's all I care about besides my wife and son.
  8. S. Richards


    Asvab is cake, don't sweat that. I skipped the mathematics portion and mechanics and I still had a high enough score to get any job in the USMC and I ain't the sharpest tool in that box lol. You most likely will stay in the "hotel". It's usually nothing more then a semi furnished barracks thats always clean if it's anything like the one in Westover Joint Air Reserve base when I went.
  9. omfg, queef in my hand and throw it in your face, fucking grosssssssss eww
  10. Horrible lifting form. No muscular separation or striations when hitting the half ass bicep flex. 15lb dumbell. Benching all of 50-60lbs while using a spotter...
  11. S. Richards


    Don't scream when you hear the rubber gloves. jk, my biggest piece of advice, lots of rest the night prior, because you have a loooooong day ahead of you. Don't beat off the night prior, no joke on this one, it will mess with your piss test. Long boxers goes a ways too, I personally made the mistake of wearing boxers too short for the duck walk, in turn forever burning a limp pink bald avenger into the memories of those around me P.s. Most armed forces recruiters will lie to you about what MOS/Jobs are available in order to fill in numbers needed elsewhere. Keep in mind your just a number to them, so make your stand if you have a particular job in mind (Excluding trying to go special forces without going through indoc's. Damn CoD kiddies ) More times then not, that job will miraculously become available the next day. Recruiters need to maintain numbers in order to get promotions and to keep living the skate recruiting life. Keep the ball in your court and deal the cards. And never go open contract.
  12. Cherry Point is about 45 minutes away, don't head there to often so I most likely don't know them. But to answer the question directly I'm with 2nd Tank Battalion, Bravo Company. I do know a pararescue man by the name of Jesse who operates out of Cherry Point if that rings any bells though.
  13. Marines with FAST company? Or Navy?
  14. Treyarch already did that man. Jk, sounds interesting bro. Pretty curious to see how this turns out.
  15. You made my vote for the month easier Abbate, and for that I thank you
  16. Camp lejeune brother.
  17. Hey, give jesus a break man. He's warming up after being out of the game for a couple thousand years to practice for his second cumming
  18. Jesus the molester I've now become an atheist...
  19. Loud trumpet is loud
  20. Well, I figured since it's still early and I left base to come home skate out a work I'd just post a couple vids that get me through my mornings.
  21. Surprised nobody has said Yeungling yet. Well, Yeungling Black & Tans here.
  22. lol you have no idea how often I hear that song, my son's half spanish. Oh the torture of language barriers.
  23. This is the song that never ends, it keeps going on and on my friend This is the song that never ends, it keeps going on and on my friend This is the song that never ends, it keeps going on and on my friend Well, that song has finally ended for me. It's now been replaced by this song.
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