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Harding BAR

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About Harding BAR

  • Birthday 08/09/1986

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    Wilmington, Delaware

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  1. Yeah. Pac-man won that. There is no doubt that this fight was rigged because Arum knows that boxing is in a slump, and there are no decent fights coming up that people want to see. So what does he do? Pay off the judges, and have a rematch that will make millions again. Mayweather isnt going to fight him, so he needs something to make him money coming up.
  2. *looks up from paper* Oh, you're back? Didn't even notice you left. Awesome. Welcome back, man. *Goes back to reading paper*
  3. Servers running low....get in here people!
  4. I passed out last night, DONT HATE ME

  5. Jesus, Richards, that was a while back, I was still a private lol.
  6. If I am allowed to piggyback onto this topic, I am experiencing the same issues...I was overclocking it, I have since returned to original settings, I shall let you know how it goes.
  7. I was in the server when two people asked you to stop spamming the !restock command, which was even said to you in team chat. You were kicked, and you came back and did it again. Hence the reason for the ban.
  8. So, I just got a phone call from the chick I exchanged numbers with: Apparently, she hasn't talked to her parents in about a year before she got pregnant, they didn't even know that she was pregnant until like a month or two beforehand (issues, i guess). At the time, her baby's daddy dumped her (the prick) and she just wanted someone there with her, that wasn't her parents. Her parents thought I was the dude who dumped her, which explains the looks and the murderous gleam in her dad's eye. Needless to say, they thanked me for taking care of her while they weren't there.
  9. Yeah, here's the start of my day: 9 am: Wake up to the sounds of my annoyingly chipper roomate screaming into my face. "It's going to be a lovely day! YEAHHHHHHHH" To which I promptly give him the middle finger and go back to sleep. 11 am: Wake up to go to work, which is a bitch and a half itself. After about two hours of this, I tell my boss that I'm going home, to which he says "Whatever." 1 pm: Head to my local park to do some running. Which, being black, comes naturally to me. Around this time, a hugely pregnant woman comes into view, and she seems to be going into contractions. "Shit." Was my first thought, second was helping her out. 2:30 pm: We are at the hospital. Doctor wheels her out, and asks me if I wanted to come back. Before I can explain to the doc that im not her husband, or the dude that knocked her up, she says, "please." So, you know, fuck it, I go back. 4 pm: Still in contractions. At this point, her family comes into the room (forgot to mention that she is white, and her family....doesn't take well to me, lets leave it at that) After what seems like forever in awkward silence land, they take over and I get up to leave. She asks me to stay again... Oh fuck it. Why not. 7 pm: Go to get some food, come back, still pushing out baby. 9 pm: The effect of the medication I take wears off, and I pass out. Apparently your body doesn't take too kindly to being up for about 4 days. 6 am: I wake up in a hospital bed. The nurse who was on duty, said that I was out for quite a bit. After staring at her for about a minute, I blurt out, "YOU DON'T SAY?!" Apparently, people are humorless at 6am. 7 am: Go to check in on the chick, she's still going at it. I tell her that I need to go, she thanks me for my time and all that good stuff. 8 am: Back home. So, yeah, my day was pretty awesome.
  10. Dont mind Wells. Shes actually Chad in disguise.

  11. My penis cries for joy at this news.
  12. LMAO.
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