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Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by Jensen

  1. Awesome work, looks great as always!
  2. I can't explain how angry I get when those things perma-track me.
  3. I like my liverwurst with cheddar and German mustard. That sounds pretty good. I'll have to try it sometime.
  4. I'd pick liverwurst. I could have that stuff everyday with either pickles or pickled beets (or anything pickled, really).
  5. USA (79) England (41) Norway (37) Sweden (45) Germany (35)
  6. I remember listening to Behemoth back in high school. Mostly stuff from the albums between Satanica and The Apostosy. This is pretty good too.
  7. Japan (16) USA (44) Mexico (18) Canada (11) England (33) Norway (42) Sweden (47) Finland (8) Germany (21)
  8. I'm going to take a guess and say he's probably refering to Rob Ford. EDIT: that was when the pictures didn't show up.
  9. Kind of reminds me of the Hans Island dispute.
  10. Wayne Jerkson.
  11. Great job, everyone! Keep up the good work.
  12. And you managed to pull that off in a Matilda BP. Not that it's a bad tank, but usually when you make it to the conflict it's too late.
  13. Looks great, Candy! It looks like you've really got the jump peeks down pat too.
  14. I think they're trying a little too hard to promote the Jorvik Viking Festival.
  15. Well that was cheesy.
  16. That's how I've always held hamburgers...
  17. I know, I thought my ninja emoticon would be enough to denote sarcasm.
  18. Meh, you could sing O Canada in French and it wouldn't bother anyone.
  19. Enjoy it while it lasts.
  20. Yeah, it's one of my favourites as well. Good work everyone, looks great.
  21. This game was both pathetic and awesome.
  22. Very impressive, you two!
  23. You got to be careful late at night. That's when all the Crazies come out.
  24. Something by the Bee Gees. I'm sure he could pull it off.
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