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Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by Jensen

  1. Swedish sports commentators are the funniest thing. Vad händer här?! bork bork pucken bork i målet bork.
  2. How about some Chris de Burgh?
  3. Yeah, those Axis attacks didn't work out too well. I think on both teams' Axis attack, the pre-nades took out all but 3-4.
  4. They all seem pretty well true. Especially that one about Toronto.
  5. Lol it cost around 600$ in Norway. It would probably be a lot cheaper if you buy it in Sweden.
  6. Happy Birthday!
  7. Amazing job, Heresy. You're doing a great job recruiting. Keep it up.
  8. Jensen

    BEER Board

    Vanilla Infused Porters can be very good. Here's one from Mill St. Brewery. Vanilla Porter, Mill Street Brewery, Toronto, Ontario Style: English Porter Alc/Vol: 5% Hops: Washington Nugget Availability: 440 ml can
  9. Jensen

    BEER Board

    Rickard's Red is one of my favourite beers. Yesterday I tried the Rickard's Dark and to be honest, it wasn't anything special. The Blonde is nice though.
  10. Cue Jaws theme.
  11. A very interesting newsletter. Thanks, Newsletter Staff. Can't wait for upcoming issues.
  12. Yeah, I have seen a similar video before. Rather interesting.
  13. Happy Birthday, Berg.
  14. Jensen

    BEER Board

    Yeah, I though that logo looked familiar.
  15. Jensen

    BEER Board

    10w30 Brown Ale, Neustadt Springs Brewery, Neustadt, Ontario Style: Brown Ale Alc/Vol: 5.5% Hops: a New Zealand variety Availability: .473ml can (~16oz) http://www.neustadtsprings.com/neustadtspr.../OUR_BEERS.html
  16. Jensen

    Hello again.

    I was more worried by Parker`s threat, actually. Well, he didn`t threaten me but I knew something bad would happen if I didn`t re-enlist. Pfft what did Parker say? "DO IT!" in all-caps. It was terrifying.
  17. Jensen

    Hello again.

    I was more worried by Parker`s threat, actually. Well, he didn`t threaten me but I knew something bad would happen if I didn`t re-enlist.
  18. Jensen

    Hello again.

    Yeah, it's definitely been a while. See everyone in the pub.
  19. Jensen

    Hello again.

    They're optional, if I remember correctly. I think I might put them back on anyway.
  20. Jensen

    Hello again.

    Hello all, It's been about a year and half since I retired from the unit and I don't recognise a lot of the names around, but it's good to see the unit is still going strong. Anyway, just saying that I've returned to DoD:S, so prepare for some whoopin'. You may know me as "Halfdan" on the server.
  21. Happy Birthday, Wingate.
  22. Happy Birthday, Kim!
  23. Anything with both Simon Pegg and Nick Frost in it is golden. Speaking of which, I should get around to seeing Paul soon.
  24. Name: Jack Bauer, Syn|NightMarE Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:4196229 Reasons for the Ban: Mass TK in spawn, leave, change name, repeat three times Recommended duration of ban: Permanent Demo Provided?: N
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