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Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by Jensen

  1. If there's one thing I've learned from Steam, it's that you should never buy a game at full price, as it's bound to go on sale in the near future.
  2. hahaha I don't know what you're talking about. ;)

  3. Yes, Mr. Boutton, Sir.
  4. My school doesn't have A/C.
  5. Not a fan of the vocals but, then again, that style isn't distinctly Christian Metal.
  6. Happy Birthday.
  7. Your steak looks like Schnitzel.
  8. Well made.
  9. You have seemed to be fine.
  10. Happy Birthday, Worsham.
  11. Wow that was good.
  12. Sweet video.
  13. Hmmm... there was a poll up earlier when I voted. But, it seems to have disappeared. Who is the culprit!?
  14. I'll stay with my prior choice; Wingate.
  15. Wingate's a badass.
  16. Hmmm... for some reason, I foresaw the other guy beating the shit out of Willy.
  17. I don't know if that was the best commercial ever, but that guy's reaction to getting hit with the dart was hilarious.
  18. Congratulations.
  19. Creepy. And as for getting the file, you could be cool and primitive and put your mic up to a speaker and record it with Audacity. Works well actually.
  20. Hold on a second. Is this the Wells who was Cpl in the 1st MRB while I was Pfc in the 6th RB? Used to play Killing Floor? Fancy meeting you here. :)

  21. Wow, these newsletters are pretty sweet. Keep it up.
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