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BAR Officer
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Imp BAR last won the day on April 9 2019

Imp BAR had the most liked content!

About Imp BAR

  • Birthday 09/08/1982

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  1. Name: Dylan Steam I.D: # Dylan [U:1:58596175] Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Obvious hack. No recoil with MG, and see thru walls. Running around just killing everyone. Demo Provided?: N Comments: P did called me in, after spectating for a min. It was Obvious. P did was present.
  2. Thanks!
  3. So as most of you know I own and run a Tuner Car T Shirt brand called Clutch Shift Go. My last event i was at promoting my brand i was part of the Media. Here are some of the photos i took. Check my brand out at: Clutch Shift Go fb www.facebook.com/clutchshiftgo IG @clutch_shift_go
  4. Name: GreeNwOOd- Steam I.D: U:1:225295406 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: Blatantly Hacking Demo Provided?: N Comments: gilmore, brown, what?, darcy bunker and brown were on in server and witnessed it. Greenwood headshoting without aiming with machine gun and support gun.
  5. Thank you all
  6. I guess i'll update this thing as well. I can't remember the last time i posted a recent pic, lol. I'm in the middle. I was the best man at my friend Bryan's wedding. (Left-Baby Farr or Soniknet, He's B. Farr's son aka martok)
  7. Name: weaahhhhmmmmmy Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:13576527 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: excessive tk's -25+ Demo Provided?: N Comments: was notified by pubber that 2 ppl were excessive tk-ing in the server, i came in and thy left, about 3 minutes later tk-er entered the server by a different name (steam id verified) and start mowing his team down again. thats when i initiated the ban
  8. Happy Birthday!!!
  9. ha ha, thank you all. i actually thought nobody noticed, bc i couldn't find it. i was about to make a post saying happy bday to myself, then my officer evo, said oh really? and sends me this link, lol. again thank you all, i have been hella busy this whole weekend anyway, just got home.
  10. I banned you for being warned about the spray, then you come back after the warning and spray a bin laden one, you were removed for an hour, not perm.
  11. Name: Mr. Bean Steam I.D:STEAM_0:1:20735822 Duration of Ban: 1 to 3 days Reasons for the Ban: After multiple warning to stop tw and shooting through his own team, he then proceeded to mow down about 6 people in spawn and then leave Demo Provided?:N Comments: Ultra and Gumby were present
  12. Me and my friend Katie at Import Face Off
  13. Congrats Ultra!!
  14. great job guys. glad to see there still good ppl in the world
  15. Name:Justinbeiberfan6969 Steam I.D:STEAM_0:1:55263979 Reasons for the Ban: Aimbot, Offensive spray Recommended duration of ban: Perm Demo Provided?: Y https://www.mediafire.com/?c5an62475ha2hfe
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