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borschtBomber BAR

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Everything posted by borschtBomber BAR

  1. Couple from tonight, I'll cash out on Ascencio
  2. Based on a book, did he mean controlling the shots? lol not sure how a movie about a military sniper could have anything to do with gun control.
  3. I like how the only other thing in that fridge is whipping cream *giggity*
  4. That is so awesome lol
  5. Crap, Cannon is moving back over to this side? Time to talk to my family about moving overseas lol j/k have a safe trip
  6. Sorry to hear that Gilmore and Konig...does not sound fun in the least bit. Health is first and foremost so get better you bastards
  7. Did you mean 'menu', are you edible?
  8. So how different is it in the year 2050 compared to now?
  9. Well this made me look myself....hoooooly crap. lol I've logged 1571 hours
  10. That was pretty cool...lol loved the Mets part
  11. Looks pretty good...to me it doesn't look like its about America winning the war but more about those specific guys in that tank.
  12. Man, you are oooooold! j/k congrats
  13. The game is on steam now, I'm downloading now. What drove me nuts before was how long it would take to get in a game, hopefully it gets better on steam but we will see.
  14. lmao, those guys cracked me up
  15. This cat strongly disagrees
  16. So basically you dropped it from about 1 foot off the ground right?
  17. Meh, try it without using skinny jeans lol
  18. Damn you..there goes 3 minutes of my life....was waiting for something...anything to happen
  19. Wife and I in Savannah, Georgia last week on vacation
  20. TONS of cliff hangers. A few questions for next season: 1. Is Dog going to die? 2. Where is Tyrion going to go to next? 3. Where is Arya (or whatever the spelling is) going to go and do next? 4. Is the Mountain going to survive? 5. When will the Dragon Queen cross the sea? If at all? My thoughts... 1. I think so, can't see how he survives 2. No idea...that could be interesting 3. Pretty sure she is heading to Bravos..should be awesome I think 4. Survive as a zombie? lol 5. I'm hoping the the dragons go rogue and toast her and head over the ocean on their own. So tired of that storyline
  21. As a non book reader that episode was probably easily the best so far. Lots of good stuff.
  22. please oh pretty please let it be good
  23. lol I remember that round on Donner...you were a royal PITA Nice vid
  24. Willow I refuse to believe this is your child in this picture. He is WAY TO happy and he looks fed His diet of hot dogs and cucumbers cannot bring this happiness! yeah this really calls into question everything I thought I knew about Willow lol
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