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borschtBomber BAR

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Everything posted by borschtBomber BAR

  1. get outta my head, my mind went there too lol
  2. You said it was because of me!!! Quarterman, there is still room in my heart for you, I just said Jonesy was one of the reasons. Don't get all possessive on me or I will cut you out
  3. Wow, I'm kinda speechless after that. WTF.....that was a pretty bad way to go.
  4. lol yeah, miss Jones. He was honestly one of the reasons I stuck around after finding the server....good times.
  5. just wow.....that is all
  6. lmao...seriously the resemblance is uncanny between those two
  7. Can I just add I'm surprised this guy hasn't been perma banned before. I have yet to see him actually play in the server....most times when he joins he sits in spec and just trolls. He is only an annoyance and brings the server atmosphere down. Glad it finally happened.
  8. Yeah, sucks to have to wait 2 weeks...and there are only 3 more episodes right? That ending was awesome lol
  9. Well, its kind of ruined if you look at the episode titles...lol I haven't read the books but I know who he picks...and quite honestly it makes sense. Gonna be awesome
  10. Cat is a boy's bestest friend http://www.cnn.com/2014/05/14/us/cat-helps....html?hpt=us_c2
  11. See consider me optimistic about it. Look they have done pretty well with the Marvel movies and I like what Abrams does. I think he gets it and it honestly cannot get any worse then what Lucas has done to it.
  12. Damn spammers are invading the forums.....
  13. lol, I got about 5 min in and stopped
  14. No, thats definitely Cannon in back lol
  15. I guess I should have clarified when I said disturbed, it was more for the fact that their dead son's body was right there rather than the whole 'rape' part of it. Even though it wasn't really full on 'rapey' lol because Cersei did seem go back and forth a few times on her willingness.
  16. Yeah, only the single player was free when I grabbed it
  17. so yeah, I was really starting to Like Jaime..but man, that scene was slightly disturbing lol
  18. hahahha lmao, so very true
  19. Happy birfday Visca!
  20. Its all fun and games until you have 2 lol...congrats Stone!
  21. Happy that little shit is dead, I was just hoping it would be with his head getting chopped off lol
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