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borschtBomber BAR

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Everything posted by borschtBomber BAR

  1. Hey Heresy, Pressure looks kind of fun
  2. I see the problem, I'm not in either of those lists lol
  3. Never saw this video before, but holy crap it made me laugh. Both of their laughing is just awesome haha
  4. Congrats Ultra!
  5. Our Yorkie Ellie The old man of the house, Teddy. Pekingese that we have had since my daughter was born, he'll be 16 in October Siamese mix, Luna And yes, they are part of the family...one of my saltwater tanks
  6. lol yeah, that doesn't look like the best of ideas to me
  7. I liked it, it is funny how there is a turnaround with some characters like the hound and even Jaime who are becoming my favorite characters when they were pretty much scum early on. This is all coming from someone who has only read the first book so I have no insight into the rest of the story.
  8. I really think in the end we all lost on this one...what has been seen cannot be unseen
  9. You have no idea...many cried tears of joy before actually clicking on the thread....just saying
  10. I made it in for some of the HnS and I have to admit I haven't laughed that hard in a long time, was a lot of fun. Also made it in for some of the custom map night, good times too. Happy late anniversary 1stMRB!
  11. lol I don't venture into the slope chute enough...a little late but thanks all
  12. Sorry, you take him back, I don't give a shit about the what happened in the game lol
  13. I warned him a couple of times myself and his teamkilling spanned at least 2 maps. He left the server shortly after Anderson popped in.
  14. That sucks man, but glad to hear you came out of it pretty much ok.
  15. This is why I stuck around the server with you lovable knuckleheads Great group of peeps around here.
  16. That video is worth it just to hear O'gara's reaciton lol
  17. congrats...and you have 2 girls already? I feel for your soul lol. My wife and I stopped at 2, a boy and a girl
  18. Yeah, shoot me a note if you guys are going to play. I love L4D/L4D2 but its 11ty times better when playing with friends.
  19. wesome job guys! Looks like Lafy swooped in for the steal of 3rd at the end lol
  20. lol I've never seen so many 1st MRB in the pub
  21. Oh what the hell, this was me towards the end of Noshavember...I'm a bit more clean shaven now
  22. I'm off all next week, I'll try and put some time in
  23. I just want to say thank you Gardner, but more importantly I was glad to be part of the winning campaign for once lol
  24. I'm helping to put Willow far in the lead! woooooo
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