borschtBomber BAR
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Everything posted by borschtBomber BAR
It was a very good mid season finale for sure. lol if you thought the governor was an asswipe in the show you should see him in the comic. I can't wait to see where it goes and how much it follows the comic from here on out.
Well, I haven't ventured into the mess hall in a bit...late congrats man. I'm going on 14 years with my wife, enjoy it. There are ups and downs but the ups far outweigh the downs
I have a Lumia 900, probably will be upgrading to a Lumio 1020 before too long for some sweet sweet camera love. Personally will never have an iPhone or any Apple product, it frustrates me to no end how retarded iOS is...at least after using Android or Windows. Besides that I would never let that herpes known as iTunes on my PC lol
All hell, I'll take a Medal of Honor perrty please
And didn't look like any of me in it
Go Browns! yeah...I'm a glutton for punishment.
Ban Request :: Joseph Smith
borschtBomber BAR replied to Mottola 1st MRB 's topic in Military Police Archives - DoD:S
I'll chime in as well, guy was really annoying everyone on the server today and was clearly trolling. -
Oh god...anyone but you Sent you a friend request....you must accept if you want it lol
well, looks like I have another gift of HL2...anyone else want one?
lol nevermind...I'm an idiot I was looking at the wrong post I understand the fight or flight instinct, but I think that is more of an instant reaction where as Martin had a whole 4 minutes where he sort of disappeared and could easily have left.
My bad I guess...figured since this was the 'politics' forum that calling politicians idiots, etc was ok but I guess not since I see my post was edited removing anything about the POTUS and his role in this fiasco. @Morton...Martin wasn't on trial, because if he had then I am fairly certain his background and history would have been forefront in the trial. The thing was Martin by all accounts was innocent up and until he attacked Zimmerman. He could have easily run away from Zimmerman and ran home (believe he was only like 100 yards from where he was staying) but he didn't, instead he confronted GZ. Bad decisions were made on both accounts and it resulted in Martin's death. I guess I don't understand what bravado you are claiming Zimmerman had in regards to the gun? He didn't draw on Martin until he was already being beaten so I don't really see the point there. We can play 'what if' all day long but it doesn't change what happened.
Playing the game or not does not make it any less idiotic. The problem is that the facts in this case were all screwed up intentionally from the start from both politicians and the media. From NBC editing the 911 tapes to all the criticism by politicians about the investigation early on talking about profiling and racism. And then what did the trial show? It showed exactly what the Sanford PD originally said, there wasn't any evidence showing Zimmerman was at fault, he acted in self defense. But now the masses are still yelling for 'Justice for Trayvon' even though wasn't justice served? Again, if even half those people who are bleating that out like sheep watched any of the trial they would realize (probably not since they are predisposed to GZs guilt) this case was a railroad job and a complete waste of taxpayer money. This case had nothing to do with race...even in court it had nothing to do with race but somehow that angle keeps getting pursued. Funny that you bring up Hispanics, Peaker seeing as Zimmerman identifies himself as Hispanic.
You know what, I think I have one too. If anyone wants it let me know.
Passive aggressive? Thought I was being somewhat direct, it was his idiotic remarks about this case from the beginning that helped fuel the fire. Since when does a US president comment on a local investigation involving a single non high profile person? The fact that just about everyday this stuff happens and he doesn't say blip about it should tell you something about him and his agenda. I can probably find dozens of cases of other races killing all other races, mixed every which way but does Obama comment on them? I will also say this, I sit on my communities homeowners board and we have recently seen some obviously drug related activity in the back of our neighborhood...the problem? The cops don't give a shit, tell you to call the non emergency number (which I believe is the number that Zimmerman called) and then 'if' they send someone out they want to come and talk to the person that made the call. Yeah, makes complete sense right, lets let the bad guys know who made the call because you know they won't do anything. So just maybe he was tired of basically nothing happening about crime in his neighborhood? You watch and report and jack shit happens because they show up after the fact. Not saying he was right in all his actions, but I can kind of understand. Let me be clear, I don't think Zimmerman is this perfect human being or should he be made some sort of model of citizenship. But this whole situation got blown way out of hand by a lot of deceitful news reporting and race baiting. As an example, why nothing about this case when it happened back in 2009? http://rochester.ynn.com/content/top_stori...ott-not-guilty/
Here is the bottom line and I wish to god all the retards on Facebook/Twitter/interwebz would realize it....the jury heard everything, they were there for all the facts in the court and found him not guilty. Yet people whine for 'justice for Trayvon'.....what the hell are they talking about? I'm willing to bet that 90% of all the people repeating this didn't pay attention to half the trial because anyone who paid any attention at all would realize what a joke it was to charge Zimmerman with 2nd Degree murder. Justice was served but nobody will accept it because their biased view wasn't proven correct. Now this talk of the DOJ wanting to press civil rights charges? Give me a big fucking break...this kid was no angel and nothing about this whole damn incident says anything about civil rights. I hate the media as they continue to race bait this whole pile of crap. this case has pissed me off to no end with how Obama had to open his stupid trap on it and then of course the media starts spreading false information.
This should have never even been a case and the whole trial was a joke from the prosecutions side. I'm glad he was found not guilty as it makes me feel like our justice system still works. That this tard special prosecutor Angela Corey got involved was where things went wrong. She is an absolute joke and seems to do nothing but try and railroad people into prison. Of course this never would have gotten to that point if the media and our stupid president didn't turn this into some civil rights/racial issue which it was not. I was glad to see O'Mara stick it to the media afterwards a little bit as this was largely their fault that this trial even took place. I'm not sure how anyone who paid any sort of attention to the trial could be upset or surprised with the verdict?
Meh, I won't be forking over the cash for either for a while...but to be honest I won't touch anything Sony, I just have a natural hate for that company and all of their practices. Yes, even worse then M$
lol that was pretty good. The chatter was pretty damn funny. I need to start recording more
Yeah, I watched the trailer for it yesterday, I laughed and will probably want to see it too lol
Well hurry up damnit, I don't see squat in your post lol
Yeah, I loved Tour of Duty but seem to remember it getting pretty crappy towards the end...at least that's what my adult brain remembers about my childhood time watching it