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borschtBomber BAR

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Everything posted by borschtBomber BAR

  1. I would totally buy it if they redid it too. Man, brings back some fun memories...was my first FPS and wasted many a nights playing with friends on an old BBS lol
  2. Umm, there is no car that would be worth what you put into it...especially if you are looking at older cars. The bonus to the fox's is that parts are cheap and everywhere. And they are pretty simple to make fast...however I personally would never buy a convertible. Just something else to leak and plus if you are looking to make a car fast you are gonna have some nasty flex in the body. Here is my car 2007 Mustang GT/CS, my daily driver but I plan to start wrenching on it soon Intend to put some lowering springs (drop it about 1.5") to eliminate the gap probably first. I want to pick up an older Mustang, like a 66-70 and slowly do a restomod on it. My wife wants to as well, so thats a step in the right direction lol
  3. I think as long as it keeps up its popularity they will keep going. IMO one of the best shows out there right now, just sucks having to wait so long between seasons lol
  4. You guys are ever playing, let me know. Hate playing random games because of the rage quitting...but playing with a group of friends is a load of fun.
  5. still have any? Would be curious to check it out
  6. Name: [Qc] Kilgore Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:9048546 Reasons for the Ban: Killed 4 teammates with a nade at beginning of round and then immediately left Recommended duration of ban: 1 week Demo Provided?: N
  7. Buddy of mine at work saw it and said it was pretty damn funny, I haven't gotten around to watching it yet.
  8. I've never understood the hype of the iPhones when like others have said there are much better devices out there. And their commercials just irritate the living crap out of me with their smugness. I mean how retarded can you be to buy into their commercials on 'how can something get bigger, yet smaller...I guess the laws of physics are just suggestions' or 'the thumb goes here, to here' (yeah, because everyone's hand is the same size lol ) I'll stick with my Nokia Lumia 900 (until the Lumia 920 comes out perhaps) or if I had to give up my windows phone(dear god Microsoft, get your marketing together), I would go with Android because there is no way in living hell iTunes is coming anywhere near any of my PCs.
  9. Happy birfday Cast!
  10. lmao, good stuff
  11. lol yes, I have a pair...an orange/white and a black/white clown
  12. I have 2 dogs, 1 cat and a 75g reef tank. The pekingese (Teddy) is the grumpy old bastard of the group he will be 14 this year, the Yorkie (Ellie) is the pup and is 2 1/2 and the kitty (Luna) just turned 2.
  13. I've got a GTX465 in one of my systems from Sparkle, its been solid without any issues. Nice system you have there Parker.
  14. lmao... Is it possible to block this commercial from ever showing to my wife? Could be a deal breaker
  15. Maines, As far as video cards go, I am going to have a few for sale before too long. One or two of these might be for sale and they'll be cheap and much more powerful than your current or that 520. GTX560, GTX465 or HD6850. Possibly a HD7770 too. I think you can swing a better machine if you build it yourself
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