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Lafy BAR

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Everything posted by Lafy BAR

  1. You're really going to have to specify what browser you're using......
  2. If you don't feel like watching a whole video, here's the instructions 1. Open up Google Chrome 2. Go to youtube.com 3. Press Ctrl+Shift+J and right click on the new window 4. Click "Clear Console" 5. Paste "document.cookie="VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE=qDpUsBNO0FY; expires=Thu, 2 Aug 2020 20:47:11 UTC"; " into it 6. Press Enter
  3. Hey, try holding down Alt, then on your numpad type "130", then release Alt (assuming you're not on a laptop - I don't think it works on laptop numpads). Wééééééé... Wèèèèèè......... Wêêêêêê!!!! Wææææ!!! Wâââââ???
  4. You can safely expect everyone from every faction to tell you how under powered their faction is and how OP the other factions are....
  5. I'm sure Maines could deep throat if he practices
  6. And Ultranator
  7. Waterson NC
  8. Do you know the exact model your current card is? For example EVGA 03G-P3-1584-RX. Then I can look up the exact dimensions of your card for comparison. Here's some general length ranges for a few new high end cards: GTX 680's range from 10" to 11.8" GTX 690's seem to all be 11" Radeon HD 7970's are 10.4" to 12" An Radeon HD 7990 is 12.4" (holy crap that's big)
  9. There really wasn't enough detail in the question to give a proper answer.... 1v1? short range? long range? is there a chance anybody has body armor on? 1v1 short range, maybe a full auto shotgun... walk 10 paces, turn and draw? maybe a glock 20... counter-sniping... i suppose it really comes down to the skill of the shooter more than the rifle.
  10. In the hopes that my opponent follows my lead and also brings a weapon with foam projectiles.
  11. Are you planning on running triple video cards? Dual video and dual cpu? 1000 watts is A LOT of power.
  12. That squirrel has a concussion. His little squirrel friend better make sure he doesn't fall asleep.
  13. Anyone who hasn't checked this out yet really should
  14. Much of this confusion could easily have been avoided if he had included the word "yet."
  15. When you're signing the books you should make up a little inside joke/story involving you and some random famous person and sign the book to them. That way everyone gets a signed copy of your book that has extra resale value because it's "Morgan Freeman's" copy of your book.
  16. Oh, and if I were a girl I guess I'd be straight??? Or something... Frankly, eww periods and a uterus?? I hear those cause hysteria!
  17. Am I wrong for initially interpreting this thread's title as a strange discussion about hermaphrodites?
  18. There's a suggestion that installing the .NET framework v4 may solve the issue. http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/de...s.aspx?id=24872 If that doesn't fix it try verifying the game cache files. In your steam library right click on the game and choose properties. Click Local Files, then Verify Integrity of Game Cache.
  19. I had to wait to reply to see what games people thought would be good. DayZ i guess, which means Arma II CO? I think...
  20. Try rebuilding your steam install. This can be accomplished by shutting down steam then going to your steam folder (typically c:\Program Files (x86)\steam) and delete everything except: steamapps (folder) userdata (folder) steam.exe (application) Then re-launch steam.exe.
  21. Try disabling UAC. http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vis...-windows-vista/ If the game install with UAC turned off you can turn it back on afterwards if you like the warnings.
  22. Did it occur to you to make and eat a turkey and a pumpkin pie??
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