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Lafy BAR

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Everything posted by Lafy BAR

  1. Lafy BAR

    Oil Sands

    I found the giant mounds of sulfur pretty amazing. Hopefully some new technology relies on MASSIVE amounts of Canadian sulfur....
  2. This is clearly a lie, valve doesn't set release schedules a year ahead of time. Their corporate policy is "It will be done when it's done"....
  3. Lafy BAR

    Oil Sands

    http://www.businessinsider.com/photos-dest...ds-2012-10?op=1 I should mention, it's pictures, you don't have to read a bunch, it's just a bunch of pictures and short descriptions of what you're looking at.
  4. Is there any chance that someone in your household changed any settings on the wireless router? Please let us know the result of Yamagata's suggestion. If you don't know how to delete a wireless network, here's some instructions http://agsci.psu.edu/it/news/2012/04/how-d...reless-networks If it doesn't fix it, you may find the problem comes back exactly the same afterwards, or you may find that windows refuses to reconnect due to some error when you try to reconnect, details please. Can you check if your laptop has been configured for a static ip? and more instructions if you don't know how to do that http://www.ehow.com/how_6789902_tell-stati...ip-address.html
  5. A common urban legend persists that the Monumental Axis is the widest road in the world, where "[100 to 160] cars can drive side by side". This is untrue, as the road consists of two avenues with six lanes on either side; a total of twelve lanes. However, it was in the Guinness Book of Records as having the widest median (central reservation) of a divided highway (dual carriageway) in the world.
  6. I don't know what to say... I don't think TED will ever invite a stand-up comedian again....
  7. Congrats on the success, hopefully kirk approves so you don't have to recall the book
  8. dods was either anzio or avalanche, dod was caen i think...
  9. Scholastic Aptitude Test Basically, it's to see if you're smart enough to go to college in america.
  10. I hear from new age fools that euthanasia can help with the common cold.
  11. Dune (1984) - Awesome sci-fi, obviously not the best effects Exit Through the Gift Shop - Interesting documentary that turns from banksky to the film maker himself Law Abiding Citizen - Legal/Prison/Action film Paranoid Park - Independent film, highschool skater re-examines a terrible weekend at a skate park Scott Pilgrim vs the World - Comic book turned film, fun story The Fantastic Mr Fox - Stop motion, also a good story. And George Clooney. Kooky - Umm... another Independent, mostly stop motion, teddy bear lost in the woods The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - Fun sci-fi Umm... I could recommend dozens of others, that's just some random selections. If you want any of them and can't find it I can upload it somewhere.
  12. It's very hard to say if this matters from the description of the sound. If you are certain it isn't the fan then it's probably a transformer or a capacitor. Transformer noise is common and nothing to really worry about, it just means the coil is vibrating. Capacitor noise is more worrisome. If it's a hiss from a capacitor then you could have one on the verge of failure. Depending on the power supply and the manner in which the cap fails this type of failure can either result in the machine powering off, or in the power supply running line-level voltage through your components, burning them out. Insufficient wattage usually manifests in the form of video card crashes or system crashes from the GPU or CPU being power starved, not noise. So, if you have a power supply that claims to have fault protection circuits (one that shuts itself down in the event of over-voltage) then I wouldn't worry too much unless you're experiencing crashes. If the noise could be described as a hiss and your power supply does not have fault protection then replace it ASAP.
  13. Are these fashion or a cruel thigh workout?
  14. Cats are so awesome!
  15. Happy Birthday!
  16. Unfortunately, no one can be told what The Stanley Parable is. You have to see it for yourself.
  17. If you play it try not doing what you're "supposed to".... If you enjoy it, you could click the "yes i'd buy this" button here http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/file...ls/?id=95511356 to encourage steam to make the new version available on steam when it comes out. Also, if you're trying to install it, click the PC or Mac 1.4 link on the page I linked in the first post, download the zip, and extract it to steam/steamapps/sourcemods, and then restart steam.
  18. Also, this is great Download here http://www.moddb.com/mods/the-stanley-parable There's also a new version coming out soon (ish??)
  19. if you want to REALLY delete it you should probably also delete the day of defeat source GCF file.... also, do other games like L4D2 work?
  20. god dammit kirk! spoiler alert!
  21. Maybe this will clear things up.
  22. Actually, page 4 of this poll (from last october) is quite surprising.... http://msnbcmedia.msn.com/i/MSNBC/Sections...aire_111018.pdf Percentage of South Carolinian respondents who identify as Democrats vs percent of likely voting Democrat respondents, vs the same comparison of Republicans/voting Republicans. The next question also shows the similar information for Tea Party supporters. From my reading of this South Carolina will be a landslide Republican victory, but only because democrats in South Carolina don't vote.
  23. Fox is where I get all my opinions about how crazy republicans are! Don't take away my stereotype of a right wing American!!
  24. http://elections.huffingtonpost.com/2012/r...a-electoral-map Not that US politics affect me much, but I hope this map comes true.
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