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Lafy BAR

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Everything posted by Lafy BAR

  1. I'd have to say any gun really... except maybe the Thompson... it's terrible!
  2. The most deadly thing I've ever used was my dad's SUV. And that's all I'm going to say about that.
  3. Does the problem show up with the standard HUD or only with your modified HUD?
  4. Name: ☩Pad-Man☩ Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:23838951 Reasons for the Ban: Revenge TKing - killing the guy in the previous ban request Recommended duration of ban: 1 week Demo Provided?: N
  5. Name: zer0vette Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:46559462 Reasons for the Ban: Intentional TKing - shoveling outside of spawn Recommended duration of ban: 2 weeks Demo Provided?: N
  6. Name: PiratenPanda Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:35206841 Reasons for the Ban: Intentional TKing. He turned around after leaving spawn and shot a grenade at me. I asked him what he thinks he's doing and he immediately dc'd. Recommended duration of ban: 2 weeks Demo Provided?: N
  7. That reminded me of the end of this video.......
  8. If you add this code i did up to your autoexec.cfg it will make your capslock key (or something else) toggle crouch on and off so that you don't have to keep the key held down. The config assumes that you use ctrl to crouch, z to prone, shift to sprint, and that you want capslock to turn the crouch lock on and off. If you change the key make sure you replace all capslock binds in the aliases. The other keys only appear once in their bind. // Rebind capslock to turn crouch lock on and off Bind "capslock" "+dOn"; alias "-dOn" "bind capslock +dOFF"; alias "-dOFF" "bind capslock +dOn"; alias "+dOn" "+duck"; alias "+dOFF" "-duck"; // Rebind control to cancel the crouch lock when released bind "ctrl" "+duck2" alias "+duck2" "+duck" alias "-duck2" "-duck;bind capslock +dOn" // Rebind z to cancel the crouch lock when pressed bind "z" "+prone" alias "+prone" "+alt1;-duck;bind capslock +dOn" alias "-prone" "-alt1" // Rebind shift to cancel the crouch lock when pressed bind "SHIFT" "+sprint" alias "+sprint" "+speed;-duck;bind capslock +dOn" alias "-sprint" "-speed"
  9. hahaha... oh... so good....
  10. I would buy one of these two. I have the first set, they're great. The first set is closed back which isolates you from outside noise, the second set is open back which makes them sound a little more natural, but you'll hear more outside noise. One of the main reasons I bought them is because they are super comfortable. I can wear them for a dozen hours or more without them bothering me at all. http://www.sennheiser.ca/live/senn/produit/en/972/177 http://www.sennheiser.ca/live/senn/produit/en/2813/177
  11. Have almost all the custom maps been removed from the pub? Magoo did some map votes and the only custom maps he could find were strand and santos. Also, changing to santos crashed the server.
  12. if it's hard to fix no worries, just thought i'd mention it.
  13. it's definitely an bug since the star turns white for the public affairs all the time when the forum i don't even have access to under that one gets new posts in it
  14. Speaking of icon oddities... I noticed this months ago but forgot to ever tell anyone... The little grey star beside "Offices of the Command Staff" doesn't turn white when there are posts to read inside the forums in there. The stars beside each of the offices turns white or grey appropriately, but the main one doesn't follow them properly.
  15. We switched to forza this morning and nobody could download it, presumably because the forza on the server is rc1 and the forza in the fast downloads is b3.
  16. Awww... I'll be out of the country and away from good computers and usable internet....
  17. http://www.logitech.com/en-ca/mice-pointer...ce/devices/5750 Standard classic gaming mouse.
  18. That's exactly how I pictured you.
  19. You may want to disable the automatically restart on blue screen option in windows 7 so that you actually see the bluescreen message if that's what's causing the shutdown. You can do that by right clicking on computer, choose properties, click advanced system settings, startup and recovery settings and uncheck automatically restart. If you don't see a bluescreen after making that change then it seems to me like a physical fault with something in the computer.
  20. Most awesome music video ever!
  21. I believe when this happens to him it shows in the server engle disconnected no steam login.
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