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Lafy BAR

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Everything posted by Lafy BAR

  1. What colour is cow juice?
  2. I'm trying to convince my cousin to name his new son Cloudersport when he's born in a few months. What do you guys think of the name? We were playing a board game and looking for baby names on the board and I thought Cloudersport was the best one.
  3. The boards are an old security panel and a telephone line splitter, he and I talked about it and he's just going to buy a new switch and disconnect all that junk. I think it's all resolved.
  4. If it's just a blown capacitor, then just buy a new one and resolder it. The specs of the caps should be printed right on them
  5. So be very careful with your update query
  6. Yama, why not do a select from the DB "WHERE post_table.content_column LIKE '%' + '"ipsCode">' + '%'", then fix the broken code tags in one go in excel and update the rows in the database with the correction from excel? you should be able to basically automate the whole thing, so in excel there would be a column ="UPDATE post_table set content_column = '" & SUBSTITUTE(B2,"'","''") & "' WHERE id_column = " & A2 Then just copy that whole column into an SQL window
  7. FYI you can play videos in firefox on android and minimize it without the audio stopping.
  8. If you haven't already clicked my previous post here's a link For Stone, not for others
  9. I'm not entirely sure what you mean by enabling and disabling a script. If you want to change settings and then change them back, you could make two files, that that has the "on" settings and one with the "off" settings. disabling a setting doesn't really mean anything to me. Here's a sample that would switch your mouse sensitivity between 12 and 2. all the files go in your dods/cfg folder. on.cfg sensitivity 12 off.cfg sensitivity 2 in your autoexec.cfg you would add 1 of the following options on and off buttons // k to enable, j to disable bind "k" "exec on.cfg" bind "j" "exec off.cfg" you can also have 1 button toggle // k to toggle bind "k" "cfgon" alias "cfgon" "exec on.cfg;bind k cfgoff" alias "cfgoff" "exec off.cfg bind k cfgon" or you can hold a button // hold k bind k "+cfghold" alias "+cfghold" "exec on.cfg" alias "-cfghold" "exec off.cfg" I haven't tested any of these, but they should work.
  10. Hopefully some more of the Republican candidates take this opportunity to drop out.
  11. I don't really know anything about this, but you don't seem to be providing enough information. You seem to be saying that for a particular molecule (reactant or product?) the temperature before and after a reaction were such and such, the change is final - initial, and then you've written x a bunch of times for... an unknown reason. What are the actual reactions you were measuring? How did you come up with your initial and final temperatures? What were your reactants and products? Any of this info might help figure out the answer (although i'm not sure it'll be me that can help since I just flipped through a page about hess law online and am guessing)
  12. Unless you're planning on doing somewhat intensive overclocking you can probably do without the radiator. If your existing case isn't setup for it, the radiator will be annoying to install. If there's a spot for it in your case it's a great choice though. Something like one of these will work fine for stock/close to stock CPU speed and should be easier to install. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16835103202 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16835288004
  13. What about Samurai Pizza Cats?
  14. I believe each minimap requires 3 files dod/custom/any_folder/resource/overviews/map_name.txt dod/custom/any_folder/materials/overviews/map_name.vmt dod/custom/any_folder/materials/overviews/map_name.vtf Are do you have all 3 files in the right locations? I don't use custom weapon skins/models, but you should be creating files in these folders .vmt and .vtf files in dod/custom/any_folder/materials/models/v_models/weapon_name/ dod/custom/any_folder/materials/models/w_models/weapon_name/ .vtx, .mdl, .phy, .vvd in dod/custom/any_folder/models/weapons .wav in dod/custom/any_folder/sound/weapons and possibly some .vtf files in dod/custom/any_folder/materials/sprites/scopes if it's a sniper riffle. Obviously whatever you're downloading should already have the whole folder structure and you should just be extracting it into dod/custom/any_folder/ maybe your download already has the custom folder and you're accidentally putting the files into dod/custom/any_folder/custom/folder_from_zip or dod/custom/any_folder/folder_from_zip
  15. I dunno if they'd count as "old school" but Duckman and The Maxx were both awesome.
  16. Are you putting the files into a folder in the custom folder? Steam\steamapps\common\Day of Defeat Source\dod\custom\<any folder>\sound or directly into the base folders? Steam\steamapps\common\Day of Defeat Source\dod\sound As of a couple years ago you're required to install mods into dod\custom\any_folder\ rather than straight into the dod folder. If your files are already going into custom then i'm not sure.
  17. What version of windows do you have? If you hover your mouse over open programs in your task bar does it show a little preview of that program? Does chrome show the previews when this problem happens? Can you right click on one of the previews and choose restore or maximize? Alternatively, when it's happening open task manager (Ctrl+Shift+Esc, or right click on the task bar and choose task manager). If there are no tabs in your task manager hit more details or advanced or something, then go to the Details or Processes tab and see if there's only one chrome.exe process, or lots of them. (there should be lots if it's actually running).
  18. If a hot dog is a sandwich, then every time I go for Indian food I eat dozens of tiny naan and curry sandwiches. Also, here's some other opinions on the subject. http://www.johnhodgman.com/post/9216162512...has-been-trying http://www.sporkful.com/what-is-a-sandwich...rd-lopate-wnyc/
  19. Personally I like the dell professional or their ultrasharp monitors, they don't have the fastest response time, but i've never noticed ghosting on mine. If you're obsessed with FPS you could look into a 144Hz monitor. Standard LCDs only display 60Hz (60FPS) no matter how many frames your video card is rendering. You didn't say what size monitor you actually want. I have 24" and I'm quite happy with them. Some people at work have 27" and that doesn't seem too big to use. Obviously bigger monitors at the same resolution just means bigger pixels, and bigger monitors at higher resolutions will mean less FPS in exchange for the extra pixels. Here's a 24" 144Hz BenQ http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...4-376-_-Product Here's a 27" 60Hz Dell http://accessories.dell.com/sna/products/G...mp;sku=210-ADJE Here's a 27" 144Hz Asus http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...6-293-_-Product If you want something significantly cheaper then here's a 24" BenQ with no special features, just fast response time. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16824014377
  20. I believe your receiver is 8-16 ohm, you can use speakers with an ohm rating anywhere from 8 to 16 ohms, if you look at the back the answer may be printed under the speaker connectors. A speaker generally only has 1 ohm rating, if some manufacturer is advertising a range like 4-8ohm, I would assume there are 2 ways to wire the speakers to the receiver, but you should check the manual to see or don't buy speakers that don't specify a single ohm rating.
  21. <hbdty>Yamagata</hbdty>
  22. Said by no one, ever.
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