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Lafy BAR

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Everything posted by Lafy BAR

  1. Anyone else notice that the helicopter they show firing rockets looks nothing like any of the helicopters they show taking off?
  2. this may have resolved itself, gio's spray works now.
  3. Disqualified. Knowing that there are grammar mistakes on the internet that need correcting will keep me going.
  4. http://www.surgeonsimulator2013.com/ Scroll to the bottom of the page, click "Play the game jam prototype", click the download for your OS (the play online option requires that you install the unity web player, whatever that is) I tried, took me 14 minutes for the game to tell me that he should be fine.... I'm not so sure he will be...
  5. Yeah it's very distracting. I often do something else while I listen to the show instead of really watching it.
  6. Yes, that is who I am in her eyes thanks to the media. But then again, mother knows best. You should ask her if she's more worried about you having homosexual relations, shooting her, joining a gang, being mugged, or becoming a drug addict. Just so you know what order to prioritize avoiding them.... For example, if someone is trying to mug you but also hitting on you, and you figure you can either fool around with him or give him your wallet.
  7. You aren't a homosexual drug addicted gang banger in the planing stages of murdering your entire family as well as some large gathering of people because of being mugged weekly??? Actually, my mom and I also have disagreements about stuff she hears in the media, though it's usually more related to things like long term care homes. She constantly tries to make arguments that start with "They say" and refuses to acknowledge that's not a credible source.
  8. New headset time. Sorry.
  9. You should have just removed Englebretson from the list.
  10. Weeeird.... I also just started watching this... about a week ago.
  11. Have you tried unplugging it and plugging it back in? Does your computer have front and back headphone jacks? Have you tried both? If not, have you tried plugging into another computer or ipod or something?
  12. The image in your forum signature is almost twice the allowed height (150px) http://www.1stmarineraiders.com/index.php?showtopic=806 Please adjust it.
  13. Repost http://www.1stmarineraiders.com/index.php?showtopic=22709
  14. Are you going to be alright? Should I call for help??
  15. Hungry but all the food in the fridge requires cooking or isn't what I feel like eating right now
  16. I have already had mottola delete everything except steamapps, steam.exe, and he did delete his dods folder from within steamapps/common in the process, forcing a redownload. So that's a no go.
  17. If we're going with extreme solutions, i can walk you through installing windows on your mac. Should fix many many problems
  18. HAND BALL! free kick
  19. I can't believe that guy got up and walked away
  20. How can an unlimited data plan run out??? I think you mean your limited data plan ran out.
  21. Have to put on pants to go buy snacks
  22. Stone hijacking his own god damn thread!
  23. In case you think this isn't real.... http://www.thinkgeek.com/product/e8c0/
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