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Lafy BAR

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Everything posted by Lafy BAR

  1. Is that slang for pulling your cock out?
  2. happy belated bday.
  4. Your ban is only 4 hours, so you could just wait it out. If you want you request considered please post an unban request in the Military Police section. http://www.1stmarineraiders.com/index.php?showforum=27 Use the unban request form found here http://www.1stmarineraiders.com/index.php?showtopic=1917
  5. hbdtyhbdtyhbddg,hbdty
  6. I would switch the CPU for a i5-4670 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16819116898 I would also switch the motherboard and power supply for slightly cheaper ones so that you can get 8GB of ram. I think you will find that 4GB of ram just isn't enough.
  7. Please tell me you have not yet ordered these parts. That motherboard and CPU are not compatible.
  8. Are you saying you wouldn't want bear friends? Bear coworkers? A BEAR PRESIDENT?! I hear you can't really claim equality until you've had one of your own in the oval office...
  9. That first bear is amazing. I wonder how long it would take bears to evolve to be as smart as humans.
  10. Do you need everything? Do you have a monitor, keyboard, mouse? Do you need any software (Windows?) in the budget? Here's a build that assumes all hardware no software. http://secure.newegg.com/WishList/PublicWi...Number=23043772 Some of the stuff is on sale, the exact parts that are on sale will change from week to week but you should be able to get similar parts around those prices. If you already have any of the parts then some things could be switched out for improvements. For example if you didn't need a monitor you could probably afford a GTX 760 instead of a 660, that's about 22% better GPU Or you could swap out the i5-3470 for an i5-4760 (you'd also need to swap the motherboard) if you didn't need the keyboard and mouse, that's about a 15% better CPU. I've reeeally skimped on the case/power supply to get good stuff into your price. It's not the biggest deal, but if you don't need the keyboard/mouse I might switch the power supply for something a little better. I worry about cheap power supplies because a fault can fry your components. If you can find a cheap power supply from a more reputable company and grab a reeeeeally cheap case (who cares, it's just the box) that might be a good idea.
  11. He's got Windows 7 Ultimate. I had him check and he doesn't have any other keyboard languages installed. Asked him to try out a USB keyboard next time it happens to see if it's specific to the keyboard/driver or if it's windows/steam/dods.
  12. This is my kind of pipe And these look yummy Chocolate Cigars
  13. Here let me fix that for you...
  14. I came in here even though I knew I shouldn't have. But I'm restraining myself to countering one logical fallacy. It's incredibly ironic to attack people for not understanding laws or policies coming into place while simultaneously proposing a federal sales tax like it's an astonishing solution "the other side" would never do. Sales tax is state, not federal. In fact, various counties in certain states can have higher sales tax. But that is controlled by the state. While selective federal 'penalty' taxes exist on some products and services, cigarettes for example, an overreaching sales tax would be such hell to implement and even more hell to justify constitutionally or legally, especially when dealing with current policy makers, Right or Left wing. The positive tax revenue listed is qualified as a "Affirmative conclusion from a negative premise." In that any tax revenue proposed off this plan is inherently flawed. I direct my ire towards this specific part of your discussion because you are enacting this to somehow give legitimacy to your other arguments, and that's silly. When you create an argument build off its own strengths, don't redirect. Don't get me started on specifics. A flat tax based purely on volume of product sold? Oh lord, he doth not know what he propose. Proposeth? Propose. Bump. Supporting flat taxes isn't far from supporting inflation.
  15. I find it funny that you say the GOP want to both pay off the debt and have no taxes. Those two things are incompatible and exactly why there is so much debt. Both parties are equally responsible for never taxing people and business to pay for what is spent and enough to lower the debt. There's all this posturing between the two parties about higher or lower deficits in the hundreds of billions, but any deficit adds to the debt. So how exactly are they arguing that they're going to fix it? It can only be paid down by printing money, which lowers the value of everyone's savings, or taxing. Actually I can think of a third way. The government could open for-profit businesses. Government grocery stores, government landscaping, government plumbers, etc. Supposedly the government is worse than private enterprise at everything, how about letting them compete with businesses and see if that's true? As for 'exempting' congress from the ACA, the point is to make people who don't have good health insurance get good health insurance. If your existing health insurance was as good as the plan they have, then you wouldn't have to switch either. If you really think that they have such a sweet deal, why not argue in favour of expanding the medical coverage that congressmen get so it's one of the options on the healthcare marketplaces? Maybe it will be one of the more expensive ones, maybe it wont be.
  16. I feel like the house should use Discharge Petitions more than they do ever since the Hastert Rule started being followed. If the speaker refuses to allow votes that the majority of the people's representatives support then the representatives should work around him.
  17. It's funny that Americans think they have a two party system. Somebody let me know where in the Constitution it says it's a two party system.
  18. You really can't say that it's all the Democrats' fault for not coming to the conference. The house republicans wouldn't come to a conference for the week leading up to the shutdown, and then hours before it was going to happen decided they wanted to have a conference. The republicans need to be blamed just as much for that. As for whether it's the tea party's doing or not, that's really up for debate. John Boehner is mostly to blame for not allowing a vote on a clean CR, but it's arguable why he didn't let that happen. Perhaps he really wanted to shut down the government, perhaps he was afraid he would lose his speakership if he didn't side with the radicals. I don't think that he believed both the senate and the president would back down on the ACA after both had said they wouldn't.
  19. I haven't read the text of the law, but I have read some of the information provided by the government about how the implementation works. I find American laws are a pain to read. It's sort of like they don't want anyone to be able to understand them. For comparison, the ACA is 906 pages long, the ENTIRE Canadian Criminal Code is 1068 pages. The stupid thing about the republicans complaining about the ACA is that from what I've heard it's basically the healthcare law that they proposed when the democrats wanted to have universal healthcare. The democrats compromised and put the republican ideas into the law, but because the democrats did it now they hate those ideas.
  20. Have you tried contacting Asus? https://secure.livechatinc.com/licence/1792...at.cgi?groups=0 That's a live chat where you can try to get motherboard support during business hours. If your motherboard is out of warranty you might want to lie to them about the purchase date to make sure they don't refuse to troubleshoot the problem. I doubt they'll be much help, but maybe they'll know what the beep sequence means.
  21. Were you able to check the voltages on your power supply?
  22. First a couple little things. The republicans control the house of representatives, not the senate. Also, congress is made up of the house and the senate. It's not the senate and congress. Now, as for the Affordable Care Act (ACA) also referred to as Obamacare, there is plenty not to like about it. Like you I am a Canadian, and support universal healthcare. The ACA is far from that. There's a lot of confusion among Americans about what the ACA actually is. It is claimed that companies with more than 50 employees have to provide healthcare. That's not actually true. It's also claimed that "the individual mandate" means that everyone has to have healthcare. That is also not true. So there's really nothing universal about it. Large companies and individuals who do not buy healthcare have to pay a tax that I believe is about two grand per uninsured person. So each company and person can decide for themselves between paying a tax and buying healthcare. There is a loophole of sorts regarding part time employees that many democrats are complaining about. It is not as bad as it's made out to be. The 50 employees means 50 full-time equivalent employees, so cutting hours and employing more part time workers doesn't actually get you out of being considered a large business. From my understanding companies do only have to insure their full time employees to avoid the tax though. So if a company turns full time jobs into part time jobs they can save some money, but they will still have to insure or be taxed for their full time employees. Many people think that the ACA means that the federal government is getting involved in the medical system. This is true in the sense that they are mandating that insurance companies actually provide fair health insurance, but it is not true that the government will have any involvement in medical decisions between individuals and their doctors. The ACA regulates what medical insurance is required to cover and attempts to encourage people to buy insurance with tax breaks for people with low incomes and tax penalties for those who do not buy insurance. The only other complaint that I've consistently heard just has to do with the fact that Obama and/or the democrats are apparently evil. The polling shows that 3 out of 4 Americans are opposed to Obamacare, but a majority support each of the elements of the law. So public opinion appears to be more based on prejudice and misinformation than the content of the law. I personally think that if you refuse to buy your own healthcare and pay the tax penalty that should include enrollment in a federal public heath insurance plan. But congress wouldn't pass a law 3 years ago that included a public insurance option. So for now the Americans are stuck with this one. As for the government shutdown, it's incredibly childish. I personally think that we Canadians have a more reasonable system in that respect as well. If parliament fails to pass a budget then the prime minister and the party in power lose their positions in the government and unless 2 or more other parties form a coalition to take over those positions a new election is held one month later. Effectively politicians can pass a budget or find a new job.
  23. I would recommend against a GTX 660. That will not perform as well as your 460 SLI. A 660 Ti will be very similar to the 460 SLI, slightly worse on some games, slightly better on others. A 670 will actually outperform what you have, but they're a little expensive. So I would go with the 760 which you can pick up from newegg for $250. It should out perform the 460 SLI by 15-30% on average. Here is an excel comparison of the 670 and 760 vs 460 SLI that I found if you want to read it: Comparison GTX 760
  24. try deleting your steam\steamapps\custom\day of defeat source\dod\download folder. That's the folder that the game actually stores things downloaded from the server in. See if connecting to the server recreates it and fills it with files.
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