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Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by Asmaro

  1. Good morning Captain, I administered the ban last night. I was watching mEP play and recorded nearly 20 minutes of footage during dod_colmar and another few minutes of footage on dod_donner. This player was making very suspicious shots on both maps, and seemingly new exactly where people were on dod_donner. I made a decision to ban after watching this player kill half a dozen people (with the majority of them being no scopes on moving targets). With regard to the longer recording I made, I noticed that his style of play would intermittantly improve or decrease depending on whether I was in spec (as well, I gave him the benefit of the doubt until I adduced more evidence). I do have both the files, however, I am not sure how to get them to you for inspection as I do not have a mediafire account (I would be happy to email them to you directly). -SSgt. D. Asmaro [1st MRB]
  2. Name: Gantigun Mw3 Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:34422720 Reasons for the Ban: TKing 3 of his teammates then fleeing the server. He had being playing for several hours and felt the need to do this to piss us off right before he left. Recommended duration of ban: Permanent Demo Provided?: Y/N No, but Dobbles and Wells were present.
  3. Name: Pfc. S. Tupac |25th ID| JW Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:10401190 Reasons for the Ban: Team wounding in spawn, and TKing me. I warned him several times about the team wounding, and on the last warning, he shot me in the head and fled the server. Recommended duration of ban: Permanent Demo Provided?: Y/N No, but several of our members and Ducky Momo BAR were present.
  4. Sorry for the trouble everyone. Sgt. Jankovski has a Mediafire account and he has agreed to upload the clip I made (I sent it to him earlier today). Hopefully you will find the evidence you need in there. Thanks again for all your help with this guys. Cheers,
  5. I'm sorry I didn't think this would be so complicated (I have never tried to post this stuff before). I don't feel comfortable getting a mediafire account so please disregard this.
  6. Name: the biome Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:12404591 Reasons for the Ban: Possible no recoil hack (take particular note of how he is shooting when MG is set-up at beginning of my recording). Recommended duration of ban: Permanent if found guilty Demo Provided?: Y/N Yes (I have it but cant post it. Is there any way to do this? Megaupload is not operational and I don't feel comfortable signing up with one of these sites anyways).
  7. Name: the biome Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:12404591 Reasons for the Ban: Possible no recoil hack (take particular note of how he is shooting when MG is set-up at beginning of my recording). Recommended duration of ban: Permanent if found guilty Demo Provided?: Y/N Yes (I have it but cant post it. Is there any way to do this? Megaupload is not operational and I don't feel comfortable signing up with one of these sites anyways).
  8. Good morning 2Lt. Zahl, He did apologize profusely after he did it, but this was the last of several incidents during evening (which is probably why 2Lt. Kirkendall gave out a permaban). The player is probably telling the truth about the spawn shooting incident as he only shot one bullet that killed me and Kirk, but that incident was also only part of the story. I hope this helps.
  9. Very nice! Tate's knifing at the beginning was particularly noteworthy!
  10. Although Sgt. Pandalsson has already provided a convincing argument, I thought I should also say that I have had suspicions about this player for a long time now. His performance yesterday was exactly as Pandalsson described, and I could also tell precisely when he turned the hacks off (his performance was markedly different across the two maps). I second the motion that this player be permanently banned from our servers.
  11. Alternatively, I am addicted to my research!
  12. I am an addiction's researcher, but I also do stuff with aerospace physiology on the side.
  13. Hi all! MSgt. Brown wanted to see where I do some of my work, and I have a good picture that I can put up now (taken from the lab's website). I am the one facing the camera with an O2 mask on. This is a hyperbaric/hypobaric facility, and depth/high altitude tests are done in this facility. I spent 5 and a half hours in there today so as you can imagine I get a lot of exposure to extreme conditions! Cheers,
  14. Asmaro

    My Cat!

    Nice Siamese cats!! I used to have 2 myself. Aren't they smart???
  15. Asmaro

    My Cat!

    Some of you wanted to see what my cat looks like. Without further adieu, here he is!!
  16. Name: Ku Klux Deluxe Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:47975058 Reasons for the Ban: Posting gay porn sprays in Allied spawn (which he knew he wasn't supposed to do because he would delete them when I started asking questions) in addition to having a highly offensive name. Recommended duration of ban: Permanent (which I did administer). Demo Provided?: Y/N No, but Orozco BAR and Pvt. G. Martinez were present.
  17. I should also add that someone was kicked for making negative religious comments, and that is when Syn started speaking up...
  18. Syn, I asked you several times to drop the issue yet you continued to go on and on about race/religion. You were given a one week ban because I gave out 2 warnings prior to taking action (which also goes against what you term "a hasty trigger finger"). You needed to drop the issue because perpetuating the discussion would have likely got someone else on the topic, which would have inevitably led to a line being crossed again (we have seen this happen many times). You did not get a permaban, which is the typical prescription for carrying on a negative discussion of race. I would appreciate it if you could simply follow instructions next time instead of testing how far you could go. Cheers, Sgt. Asmaro
  19. Name: Captain Smokey Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:1230433 Reasons for the Ban: I asked him nicely several times to refrain from using his mic because it was broken, and after the second time, he tracked me down and TK'ed me, then promptly left the game. Recommended duration of ban: Permanent Demo Provided?: Y/N No, but Al-Jefri and Swag BAR saw.
  20. Name: BeηdeЯ -[№ 10/6] Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:12188039 Reasons for the Ban: Racism Recommended duration of ban: Permanent Demo Provided?: Y/N No, but Sgt. Major MacDowell also witnessed it.
  21. Name: beansandwich Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:10289311 Reasons for the Ban: TKing, then after I asked him to stop he TK'ed the same player again. Demo Provided?: Y/N No, but Lafy [bAR], dramafoxx [bAR], and Pfc. Bismark witnessed the events. Comments: He may try to appeal it and claim that it was accidental. Given the frequency of the TKi'ing and the fact he killed the exact same player again after the warning, I took it to mean that he didn't heed my warning.
  22. Name: Smokey McPot Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:29847056 Reasons for the Ban: Racism and porn sprays Recommended duration of ban: Permanent Demo Provided?: Y/N No, but Cpl. Stone witnessed it as well and we both agreed that this would be appropriate.
  23. Name: Gundam Custom Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:33403651 Reasons for the Ban: Racism Recommended duration of ban: Permanent Demo Provided?: Y/N No, but Lafy [bAR], Drunk Baby Farr [bAR], Pfc. de la Fave, Duncan Idaho [bAR], and Rec. Toomey witnessed the event.
  24. Name: ^6olololo|RainbowDash Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:29724100 Reasons for the Ban: Rampant TKing Recommended duration of ban: 2 weeks Demo Provided?: Y/N No, but Lafy [bAR], Drunk Baby Farr [bAR], Pfc. de la Fave, Duncan Idaho [bAR], and Rec. Toomey Witnessed the event.
  25. My apologies Major. I should have specified that I wrote this up merely to provide documentation for the ban that was already administered. I frequently see people appeal the bans and thought this would help our unit make decisions about these on a case by case basis. If you don't want me to continue this practice in the future, please let me know and I will stop. Cheers,
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