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Göthe 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Göthe 1st MRB

  1. I'm happy I don't live in Brazil....
  2. If this would happen to me.... I would kill myself....
  3. Yes u are brown yes u are
  4. Wait what ? xD
  5. Why i'm I a reh-tard?
  6. How many like to get drunk on a Monday? <3
  7. Stone if u want chocolate I need an address to send it to!!!! And I will send u some swedish cookies to your son as I promised.
  8. I tried skrilex and i got the answer "4 oz. Marijuana" xD
  10. I saw today that it will be shown in sweden <3 Made my day
  11. Cpl. Marcus Göthe Bioshock Infinite or L4D2
  12. Congratz ;D
  13. Well this is most likely due to your ping (how many ms it takes for the server to respond to what you are doing). I have around 100-150 ping in the pub an up to 200 in the private and sometimes when I die, like when I try to rush in to a room for me I look safe but I have already been killed and that I notice when the killcam comes up and I am on the other side of the dorr. So I don't think it is something wrong with your configs it is just other people have higher or lower ping than you, so all you need is a littlebit of luck and training. Just remember that if you miss it is not due to that you have a bad aim or that they are cheating it is just the ping most likely.
  14. Have a awesome 18th birthday man
  15. OMG Can i have the skins SOOO wanna play with them!!!!
  16. Eeeh well the coldest we have had this winter was -26°C so not that cold..... SWEDISH PEOPLE RULE!!!
  17. Noooh i got drugs form the hospital, making so that I can not sleep.... But it helps i were worse before
  18. Du är mera kass för du kan inte få något jobb..... OOOOOOOH SNAP
  19. here you go Arsenault but the ear is not so big anymore but you see the wound on the side that's how the whole ear looked like, and the reason for that wound being there is that i'm scratching it all the time :/ And no this is not acne....
  20. Sí señor, Sir!
  21. Why you no fly to sweden and get a very nice blond girl with big bewbs and low IQ to take home ???
  22. Is this how it workes on a american airport ? if it is want to work there to
  23. Congratz !!
  24. But i meant what model ?
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