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Göthe 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Göthe 1st MRB

  1. So new early access game and well yeah it funny but we need to be like 7 people on it and well we have 2 atm (me and moffat) dont know if anyone else plays this game but let me know and we can drink tea together and get shoot by a cannon ball in the head! Only 2 ship sizes atm the small ship thats got a max crew of 7 and the big galeon that got a max crew of 13 players Would be hella fun to play 7 people that are not totally retard on a ship and work together! Sign up now to become a powder monkey!!
  2. If Candy do make a badge I will wear it proudly
  3. I call bullshit on this and I want an annulment from this post thanks
  4. You are the lucky one then xD
  5. So Pilon just made me play this game by buying it for me and now I might aswell sign up for this but put me with a pro because as of now I have 43min of time played xD
  6. Nobody says your name....
  7. (30min after waking up after surgery) I was planing on doing a thumbs up to show I be ok after surgery today well to drugged to remember the thumb lol
  8. This is fun to see who votes for who now Feel free to nominate people but remember if you nominate someone you nominate yourself! Good Luck Reh-tards
  9. There there Candy I can show you a good spot on Omaha
  10. You do not need more RAM or change anything special when doing a GPU change, all that you need to know is the maximum size the GPU can be in your case and how strong your PSU is so we don't get a card that requires to much power to run or a card thats to big to fit. To see how many W (Watts) your PSU is producing you need to physically open your case and look at it, there will be a label or something that tells you how many W its producing. As for the case if you know that name for it you just tell me and I will look it up or you can measure it when you open it to look at the PSU. To measure it you go from the back where the cards are secured with a screw, to usually the HDD cage. If you don't understand fully what I mean we can talk on vent
  11. Because me like this kind of stuff I can help you out! But all I need to know first is how strong your PSU(Power Supply) is and what case you have so it all fits
  12. OMG I just want to buy it now why the 26th omg omg omg omg
  13. Why everyone have a birthday? I thought I be the special kid that got that...... Happy DayBirth Boober! xD
  14. Happy barfday hope you barf real good! xD
  15. Name: VIVE LA FRANCE Steam I.D: [U:1:26732519] Reasons for the Ban: TK Recommended duration of ban: 3days Demo Provided?: N, left before I could join
  16. So where is mine?
  17. Ooh CANDY!!! I'll go out and shoot some boom boom sticks for you!! Happy Burthday!!
  18. Name: Dig Monster Bick Steam I.D: [U:1:367634540] Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: TK Demo Provided?: Hull in the server Comments: Don't think this player have any intent of following any rules as he only have tks according to GameME
  19. Another trailer I found more cinematic
  20. The trailer for their Early Access release! And it have arrived on steam aswell now!! http://store.steampowered.com/app/454350/
  21. He wants marzipan on it
  22. Happy DAY OF THE BIRTH Gougologononglogolingolo!!!
  23. Nooooooooooooooo!!
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