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Göthe 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Göthe 1st MRB

  1. Happy birthday you little shit!
  2. Because his mug is as beautiful as mine, so we don't want to make you feel bad about your mug
  3. #thatstrue #iknow #funnyswede #americanscantuseanÖproperly #godnatt #hashtag
  4. Its not a trap its a setup he wants to pin the murder on his ex wife on you dont do it!
  5. The celebration of Midsummer's Eve was from ancient times a festival of the summer solstice. Bonfires were lit to protect against evil spirits which were believed to roam freely when the sun was turning southward again. In later years, witches were also thought to be on their way to meetings with other powerful beings. Off the Internet so it must be true!
  6. What is you talking about?
  7. To be fair those meatballs are made in Sweden... I'll ask my boss but can you back me up then? I'm scared of doing it myself
  8. Its closed now, closes at 4 on Sundays you know
  9. I asked an employee if I could borrow their shirt but they said no.
  10. Press the spoiler and get surprised Rather
  11. Slut :'(
  12. damn all the hate, had like 1 min to do that I'll make a better one tomorrow lol
  13. meatball sandwich made during a realism doesn't get that fancy
  14. Can you even buy a new computer with a 32bit system?
  15. Name: Sp3D3 Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:759668 Reasons for the Ban: Entered server just when a new round started and shoot 2 people in the back then left Recommended duration of ban: 1-3days Demo Provided?: Almedia was in the server
  16. Name: &*(rqphjw[-8e0oi39-=4qewi[9 rfp Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:53875383 Reasons for the Ban: TK in spawn banned him for a day would like it extended Recommended duration of ban: 3 days Demo Provided?: Alpha was in the server and Almeida i think
  17. Name: |-|ĐĶĔ|-| Lvl. Soldier Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:10920316 Reasons for the Ban: Entered the server shot 5-6 teammates in the back and then left Recommended duration of ban: Up to the MP's. Demo Provided?: Pub regulars and Hostage, Davenport and Witkowski
  18. Name: BUCKWHEAT Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:5461464 Reasons for the Ban: Sgt. Helm asked him to watch his FF, he then swaped teams TKed Helm and I kicked him. He did not return Recommended duration of ban: Up to the MP's Demo Provided?: Helm, Pardo and Almeida in the server
  19. Name: keax Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:37263320 Reasons for the Ban: Entered the server shot me and Sgt. Helm in the back then left Recommended duration of ban: What you feel like Demo Provided?: Helm, Pardo and Almeida in the server
  20. Wowowow sheep? We dont have a lot of sheep wtf?
  21. 04:44 - SSgt. M. Göthe [1st MRB]: Sorry I missed practice got a call and have been helping some friends out that cant handel their alcohol if you know what i mean 04:44 - SgtMaj. A. Rather [1st MRB]: lol its np 04:44 - SSgt. M. Göthe [1st MRB]: but the worst part is I left at 11 and got home now and its fucking 5 in the morning i'm pissed 04:44 - SSgt. M. Göthe [1st MRB]: had to typ that to someone 04:44 - SSgt. M. Göthe [1st MRB]: feel special 04:45 - SgtMaj. A. Rather [1st MRB]: well ya thats a long time 04:46 - SSgt. M. Göthe [1st MRB]: yeah it takes a long time when you get to the party, ONE person is passed out so you help the one to bed took like 30min too do that because of drunkstrugle, as soon as I get done with that one other person throws up in the middle of the room.... 04:46 - SSgt. M. Göthe [1st MRB]: and it dosent fucking end there 04:47 - SSgt. M. Göthe [1st MRB]: a 3rd person fucking shits all over the fuckning bathroom like THE ENTIRE BATHROOM 04:47 - SgtMaj. A. Rather [1st MRB]: lol 04:47 - SSgt. M. Göthe [1st MRB]: and then goes home 04:48 - SgtMaj. A. Rather [1st MRB]: At least its not your bathroom 04:48 - SSgt. M. Göthe [1st MRB]: like WTF clean up after yourself 04:48 - SSgt. M. Göthe [1st MRB]: Had it been my bathroom I would have killed him then made him clean it up to how it was 04:48 - SgtMaj. A. Rather [1st MRB]: ya will suck for them in the moprning 04:49 - SSgt. M. Göthe [1st MRB]: no because some dude thats a medic in the swedish army came and starting cleaning 04:49 - SgtMaj. A. Rather [1st MRB]: lol 04:49 - SgtMaj. A. Rather [1st MRB]: why 04:50 - SSgt. M. Göthe [1st MRB]: A girl at the party knew him and called and said that we could not be in the fucking appartment 04:50 - SSgt. M. Göthe [1st MRB]: like it smelled like shit and puke 04:50 - SSgt. M. Göthe [1st MRB]: everywhere 04:50 - SgtMaj. A. Rather [1st MRB]: ya sounds bad 04:51 - SSgt. M. Göthe [1st MRB]: it wasent just bad we had 8-10 people on a small fucking balcony 04:51 - SSgt. M. Göthe [1st MRB]: noone wanted to go inside 04:51 - SgtMaj. A. Rather [1st MRB]: ya i would have left 04:51 - SgtMaj. A. Rather [1st MRB]: lol 04:51 - SgtMaj. A. Rather [1st MRB]: jumped off 04:51 - SSgt. M. Göthe [1st MRB]: Me and a friend where considering that 04:52 - SSgt. M. Göthe [1st MRB]: Like the amount of perfume that got sprayed in the appartment could make a country smell good 04:52 - SgtMaj. A. Rather [1st MRB]: nah then it just smells like perfume shit 04:52 - SSgt. M. Göthe [1st MRB]: yeah but thats better than puke 04:53 - SSgt. M. Göthe [1st MRB]: and shit 04:53 - SgtMaj. A. Rather [1st MRB]: still no good 04:53 - SSgt. M. Göthe [1st MRB]: adn then shit gets worse even! 04:54 - SSgt. M. Göthe [1st MRB]: The girl that we put to bed rolled out of bed and throew up all over herslef and still slept in it.... 04:54 - SgtMaj. A. Rather [1st MRB]: jesus 04:54 - SgtMaj. A. Rather [1st MRB]: your friends are crazy 04:54 - SSgt. M. Göthe [1st MRB]: these are not my friends I knew 2 people out of 10 that where there 04:55 - SgtMaj. A. Rather [1st MRB]: your friends friends are crazy 04:56 - SSgt. M. Göthe [1st MRB]: So the girl had puke all over her self and we had to check her pulse and everything to see if we needed an ambulance because she was in the shitiest contiction you can be in 04:56 - SSgt. M. Göthe [1st MRB]: but the army medic said she was "fine" 04:56 - SSgt. M. Göthe [1st MRB]: so we did not need the ambulance but fuck me the smell 04:56 - SgtMaj. A. Rather [1st MRB]: ya id have left 04:56 - SgtMaj. A. Rather [1st MRB]: fuck that 04:58 - SSgt. M. Göthe [1st MRB]: well we wanted to but then me and my friend came over to help out with 1 girl that now is sleeping in her own throw up and got stuck there going out to get fresh air like every 1-2min 04:58 - SgtMaj. A. Rather [1st MRB]: lol so fucked 04:59 - SSgt. M. Göthe [1st MRB]: utterly fucked 04:59 - SSgt. M. Göthe [1st MRB]: but the worst part is the guy that shit all over the bahtroom and left it with shit everywhere 04:59 - SgtMaj. A. Rather [1st MRB]: ya thats pretty lame 04:59 - SSgt. M. Göthe [1st MRB]: Not lame its discusting 05:00 - SgtMaj. A. Rather [1st MRB]: ya that too 05:00 - SgtMaj. A. Rather [1st MRB]: lol 05:00 - SSgt. M. Göthe [1st MRB]: like accidents happen but fucking clean up after yourself 05:00 - SgtMaj. A. Rather [1st MRB]: still thats a pretty big accident 05:01 - SSgt. M. Göthe [1st MRB]: or he could have said like I shit my self and need help cleaning insted of beeing like I got to go home I dont feel so good 05:01 - SgtMaj. A. Rather [1st MRB]: ya but then he has to tell everyone he shit himself 05:02 - SSgt. M. Göthe [1st MRB]: we where 4 or 5 people in the room not that many and everyone already knew because you could smell it 05:02 - SgtMaj. A. Rather [1st MRB]: loll so messed up 05:03 - SgtMaj. A. Rather [1st MRB]: i wouldnt want anything to do with that whole party 05:03 - SgtMaj. A. Rather [1st MRB]: how fucking much diid they drink? 05:03 - SSgt. M. Göthe [1st MRB]: IDK prob a few bottles of vodka 05:03 - SSgt. M. Göthe [1st MRB]: as a whole of the group 05:04 - SgtMaj. A. Rather [1st MRB]: ya thats a lot 05:04 - SSgt. M. Göthe [1st MRB]: yeah so well it got hella fucked up but it aint my appartment and i'm not going to go over there in like a few months when it smells nice again 05:05 - SSgt. M. Göthe [1st MRB]: that rather is a swedish party haha 05:05 - SgtMaj. A. Rather [1st MRB]: thought there would be more moose 05:05 - SgtMaj. A. Rather [1st MRB]: and fermented fich 05:05 - SgtMaj. A. Rather [1st MRB]: fish 05:05 - SgtMaj. A. Rather [1st MRB]: less shit too 05:06 - SSgt. M. Göthe [1st MRB]: I'm gonna put this on the forums this is gonna be so fucking fun too laugh at tomorrow 05:06 - SgtMaj. A. Rather [1st MRB]: lol 05:07 - SSgt. M. Göthe [1st MRB]: no I'm gonne sleep for a few hours. whens the warmup for the match tomorrow? 05:07 - SgtMaj. A. Rather [1st MRB]: 7 CET 1 EST 05:07 - SgtMaj. A. Rather [1st MRB]: match at 2 EST 05:08 - SSgt. M. Göthe [1st MRB]: Oooh we dont get 3rd platoon practice 05:08 - SgtMaj. A. Rather [1st MRB]: ya not sure what barry will do 05:08 - SgtMaj. A. Rather [1st MRB]: for that 05:09 - SgtMaj. A. Rather [1st MRB]: if the match goes less than an hour we can still practice at 3 EST 05:09 - SSgt. M. Göthe [1st MRB]: oh well we will see I need to sleep and get this fucking nigh erased from my memory dont want to ever see that shit storm littery again 05:09 - SgtMaj. A. Rather [1st MRB]: k cya Soo yeah that happened
  22. Can I just ask where that ship made a "rutin transit" from and to, if anyone knows?
  23. Legally drink in Sweden then
  24. Happy birthday Boone, only 1 more year until you can legally drink
  25. I used that comeback once and ended up in a fight with a dude....
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