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Göthe 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Göthe 1st MRB

  1. A chevy omg never! We had one of them and that fucker broke down in less than a year.
  2. Also that's a Peel not a corvette, and too be honest I would rather drive the Peel than the Corvette
  3. I don't see the problem Shank. Also you preferred cars from across the pond to be honest. Subaru and Toyota are both Japanese cars so what's the delio?
  4. First one that's got the right idéa here, I got a volvo 850 from like 98 or 95 can't remember, and it's still going strong man, my dad got a new v70 and it's really nice, not expensive either and good L/100km
  5. Name: pange Steam I.D: [U:1:26690941] Reasons for the Ban: Tk -50ish Recommended duration of ban: 1 month or longer Demo Provided?: N, Pingu in the server and other regulars
  6. Name: Sisterjack Steam I.D: [U:1:58076733] Reasons for the Ban: Tk -50ish Recommended duration of ban: 1 month or longer Demo Provided?: N, Pingu in the server and other regulars
  7. I got 576ms so you are golden Britton
  8. You got global shipment damn, now Duckers have to buy something
  9. Name: [FALC] TexAce Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:39222589 Reasons for the Ban: TK Recommended duration of ban: Permed Demo Provided?: N, p-did in the server, negativ 30 when I joined and permed him
  10. Oooh snap where's my invite? You gotta let me come or I will be sad
  11. Name: Konny Steam I.D: [U:1:38682346] Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Aimbot Demo Provided?: No Comments: TSgt. Duckers, Pfc. Lancaster and Pfc. Wilson where in the server. Blatant hacking
  12. PS4... -.- why not pc? How we gonna play Quarterman when me no have PS4... makes me sad
  13. October 2016 so pretty soon better hurry up and save that cash
  14. Alot of cash?
  15. Agree with Barry! I don't wanna get hacked too
  16. Yes it is still bad, the server dies for 10 sec then comes back for a min or two How do you make a tracert report?
  17. Server is up but lagging alot
  18. We are using 1 and a half hand swords so it's not that much smaller then a 2 handed sword It's really nice! got a awesome sound to it. Injuries come with the sport, got a good hit on the hand today, can really feel that now!
  19. Sword Fighting is alot harder than expected, only been fighting like this for 2 days soooo... If you like attention you should try it, all the cars that passed by slowed down alot
  20. Don't remember who recruited me but the one that made me come back was Charlie Legend, he made me miss all the realisms
  21. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=2af_1390777749 My favorite fight at 4.23 XD
  22. BTW is it possible to play with that game mode? like on a special day or something?
  24. got it you fu*ks that didn't trust in me ha, I win..
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