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Göthe 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Göthe 1st MRB

  1. YEEEERR!!!
  2. The Inbetweeners Movie saw it yesterday and it were the best comedy i have seen in a while highly recomende!
  3. Why not just this ? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16822148697 or http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16822148767 and http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx...N82E16813157337 And what sort of Processor have you got ? xD
  4. Happy Birthday
  5. Planking like a Swedish Marine
  6. well i started att the last pic and when i go down to my family, my dad says "jaha fan vi överlevde endå som vanligt" and that means "so WTF we survied the shit anyways like usual" and i were like wft are you talking about the end of the world.... damn i missed some looting in town today aswell this shit blows D:
  7. I'm going to say Brown so he won't be sad
  8. Oh and HannaH Montana wants you more now Hahaha Nooooo she still wants you more And thx guys
  9. HAHAHAHA I can't stop laughing xDDDDDDDDDDDD Best video I have ever seen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. But this is how the practice should be
  11. hehe AWSOME
  12. Gratz man !! Is it going to be a Swedish releas ? so that you can by it in sweden
  13. that is what they did
  14. Everyone is going to type what they would do if they were the opposit sex................ I'm gonig to start If i were a girl, everytime I went to the gynecologist i would fake an orgasm.
  15. Assassins Creed 3 SWEDEN!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. The strangest thing I've experienced was when I came home and my brother had sex on the couch but I did not notice it first (I would sneak on them to scare them because they watched a movie and I did not notice that his girlfriend moaned) so I snuck in through the door, took off my shoes and jumped into the living room..... They got scared but I got also scared ( I was 9 ) so I ran, put on my shoes and ran to my bestfriend ( that was my brother's girlfriend's brother ).
  17. Happy Birthday
  18. It's books to?? Cool so the books are better then the tv show ?
  19. Saw like the last 15 min of a Game of Thrones episode and just wonder if it is worth looking at it more or it is just crap..... And don't call me stupid because I have never seen a Game of Thrones episode. It's not my fault i'm swedish. (SWEDEN RULES!!!!!) So please just some advice
  20. Did just saw it and it was funny as hell xD just my kind of humor extremely recommend it
  21. Have downloaded like 10 movies now so i have something to watch for like two weeks xD thx guys
  22. Then i'm going going to play for 12hours straight this weekend because I have no life
  23. I have seen The Prestige and The Avengers Want to see The Dark Knight Rises and Lawless but the you have to go to the cinema :/ I meent movies you can rent or download
  24. Want to see some good movie but will not in any so would be great with some suggestions ? everything goes well, except drama!!
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