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About Noelle

  • Birthday 12/23/1994

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  1. Name: Noelle, Nicole Date & Time of ban: April 16th, 9:40 EST Admin who banned you: Lt. Col. Parker Excuse for the Unban: Nicole had not played DOD in awhile, and neither have I. The only people we know are in the 1st MRB, and we have been playing on the server and using the vent to talk without any issues. Nicole wanted to say hi to Parker, and she did not know what to say and all she knew was that 1st MRB hates 6th RB. She was not trolling you, and when she was embarrassed and left the channel i followed her to tell her that Parker is not to be messed with, and to not talk to him. She was not trolling you, and I didn't even say anything.
  2. so way to make a video of us and not even tell either one of us. that's not creepy or anything.
  3. Noelle


    im not googleing it. im not Canadian lol it works fine for me
  4. Noelle


    LOL it might be available on another site...poor canada
  5. Noelle


    lol it's where they get their powers!
  6. Noelle


    http://www.hulu.com/misfits You can watch it for free on Hulu. It is a really good show about some teenagers who are all doing community service and all the crazy things that happen to them! It's really funny. Check it out
  7. convinced me.
  8. Name: Cpl. C. Brophy [1st SAS] Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:9409624 Reasons for the Ban: He Tk'd me once on purpose right outisde of spawn on donner. Before i joined the server i warned the people in my channel that he didn't like me and if he started anything or said anything to just get rid of him. He didn't say anythign but he continually would tk or team wound me. The first time he did he was warned. By the next time all the admins were gone and i just had to fill this out. Recommended duration of ban: Whatever you think is best. He knows the rules, he knew what he was doing. Demo Provided?: N but i got a screenshot. http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/54289892...877B78174E12A3/
  9. I really liked this one too !!! TWO CAKES FOR YOU!
  10. this is cheap
  11. very funny. =]
  12. I personally don't have a problem with any of the player's mentioned, but the fact that it is bothering so many members and pubbers isn't fair. I trust Maj. decision but after the 1 wk. ban if he still is a problem the next ban should be permanent.
  13. elder and cribari should have been one choice. to hard to choose.
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