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Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by Maines

  1. Maines

    HOTM - 3/12

    To record a demo, type in console "record (demoname)" To stop the recording, type in console "stop" To find the demo, go to your C:/program files(x86)/steam/steamapps/(your username)/day of defeat source/dod folder. They will be a .dem file.
  2. Penis.
  3. Brown and Branem....MM MM MM
  4. So i dont like driving lulz. Ive almost crashed 30 times and I am not gonna pass to get my permit. Marsden said he was gonna visit Maine, and if you do, don't do it when I'm driving. You may just die That is all
  5. Topic - Epic Win Tune's post - More Epic Win than the Epicest Win ever.
  6. I was the forum Blow Up Doll For a couple days. Id say, Id wanna be "FORUM PASTA OVERLORD"
  7. Maines

    HOTM - 3/12

    And submit for next month damnit!
  8. Maines

    HOTM - 3/12

    THERE WE GO! And the Great Fujiwara delivers! BRAVO man, can't wait to see the next video of yours
  10. Плата для Мать Россия!!!
  11. Baker fell for it. Was about to go to Parker and Yama and say we got hacked lol
  12. Win.
  13. Engle....what the fuck are you on about?
  14. Very Nice. With some practice you can shit out amazing videos!
  15. YYYeerrrrrrr! Gotta love dem forumsh eh? Nice Video man! Gotta LOVE it!
  16. Maines

    Quote Thread

    Second Lieutenant Simon Jones: Sorry, Lieutenant Colonel Major Parker.... ...
  17. ... Thanks for the compliments guys. An entire month of work has really paid off. My better moods have been helping as well. Also, lets kick some ass on Sunday against the 101st AB. Ooh-Rah!
  18. The Fawk! Thats so cool! XD
  19. Thank You Branem, Tate, Parker, and Kirk, for your videos all came together to make this great Movie! First Marine Raider Battalion, I have grown so much in this unit. When I enlisted, I thought I was not going to last past Cpl. Now, looking back throughout my career, I am the proudest of the proud to be a First Marine Raider! It gives me great pride and great pleasure to give to you the 1st MRB Movie, Celebrating 3 years of being the best in the world at we do. I feel as if I am in a brotherhood worth fighting for, worth sitting in my room 12 hours a day and hanging with you gentlemen, and ladies, as my career pushes on. From doing BCT's with GySgt. Jones, to reaching GySgt. myself within 10 months, to becoming 1st Platoon Clerk, to my many realism wins. There is nothing that I would rather do than to spend my days with the best in the world. This is my gift to you, Please enjoy! Lieutenant Colonel Parker, you have deserved the rank you have attained through years of work, perseverance, and dealing with countless whiny bitches. For dealing with us for so long, you are the best of the best at what you do, and THAT is kicking ass Second Lieutenant Jones, you are the man I look up to to attain greatness in the Raiders. I will go until I physically cannot go anymore. I will be the best and you are one that pushes me to do so, and I am damn glad you do. Second Lieutenant Kirkendall....I will knife you....I will. And to the countless friends that I have made and will make in the future BranemBrownGioTatePeakerElla and ArronTurnerWellsElfEngleJonesParkerKirkAnd many many more! My career has gotten many highlights and I hope to make many more! *Salute* Gunnery Sergeant Zachary Trevor Maines
  20. Ya Freakin Haahd on. Happy Birthday bub, have a good one! ;D
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