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Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by Maines

  1. Haaaaah, I see what that ad did there. XD
  2. Wow.
  4. HAH! Forgot about that!
  5. Mm mm mm mm mm mm
  6. note McSpammers 4 devices on his!!
  7. Yeah, mah bad on missing the draft Engle, i had an emergency
  8. Looks Fun and legit, ill see what I can do when I get home from school
  9. Jebus. I love you. Come back to me.
  10. +1 for Cantin and Cast
  11. Yeah. Parker also posts too. If parker was to not post all year, you might have a chance. *Epic Double Troll-Face*
  12. Whatever helps you sleep at night. 10 months and 1400 posts for me. Parker has gotten more then that since I enlisted. No fucking way its going to happen. *Troll-Face*
  14. *Slides Cookies*
  15. Oh my god this is soo fucked lol
  16. Maines

    Quote Thread

    *Looks at Richards pic in Personal Pictures* Normal Reaction - Bryant : I just peed a little bit Fucked up Reaction - Martinez : I just came a little bit Funny ass reaction - Branem : I just called the cops a little bit.
  17. HAH! Thats Awesome.
  18. Surprised they didnt evac the neighboring areas...Then the guy wouldn't have to be getting a piece of metal out of his leg. LAWL
  19. Maines

    Final Salute

    Awwwww but its Bruce Willis!
  20. LMFAO! Worth It!!!
  21. SUCH a Win! Wins all around!!!
  22. Pff Like a Ma'Fuckin' kid in a candy Store WO. Lets kick some ass!!
  23. I lawled so hard at this, my bus driver thought I was dying. Congrats, you spamming haahd on.
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