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Zombie BAR

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About Zombie BAR

  • Birthday 07/23/1996

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Forum Greenhorn

Forum Greenhorn (6/91)



  1. Ok, so ESPN isnt letting me create a free account, when I press the Finish button, it does nothing. So I have no idea if I can do it.
  2. Ill willing to, if your not full up
  3. My summoner name is *shutter* Flamedance. I tried EVERYTHING with Zombie, or Zombies, and I hadn't though of the Bill Nye the Zombie Guy thing. I can play the mage characters pretty well.
  4. Replace Baltimore with Houston, and you'd have a great Super Bowl. Just my two cents
  5. The Comercials are going to be the winners, because I could not care less who wins the Super Bowl this year. Houstans out, The 49ers are out, all the underdog teams are out, and we got two teams who win again, and again. So, yeah, the Comercials are the winners.
  6. Clicked, saw the picture of the video, and thought "Who here is on crack?" I mean, come on, who wpuld seriously put this up here? Oh it was Coogan. I withdraw my "Whos on crack question". Coogan, what mental facility do you live at?
  7. I want the Patriots to stomp on the Ravens. So im going Patriots/49ers
  8. Ok, sry for double post, but I want to be a bit greedy here, and ask if I can also add to my wish list here Total War: Shogun 2 - Fall of the Samurai, b/c Gatling Guns! Ironclads! Railroads! MARINES!
  9. Hurray for 20 names! Now lets bully..... I mean persuade, five more people into this giveaway!
  10. Well, you were still wrong about 2 of your 4 teams Capt. I still win a little inside. But only a little. *grumble* damn dirty ravens. stupid birds anyway. *grumble*
  11. Not my Fault when I didnt even see it
  12. Im willing to challenge anyone, just for fun. Also, if you want to challenge me, it would most likely have to be a weekend
  13. Well, two out of four is still good Major. Cause we all know the Texans are gonna cream the Ravens. Anyway its 49ers/Patriots/Texans/Packers
  14. Zombie BAR


    I have no idea, but I am now deeply disturbed. Ill be crying in a corner now...
  15. Howdie, Zombie here, thanks for BC2, Id like Skyrim (again), Payday - The Heist, or Portal 2. And yeah, good luck everyone. And, 20 people better get in here, or I will kill someone. For science, of course.
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