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About Kugler

  • Birthday 06/28/1993

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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    United States
  • Interests
    Love playing video games, my favorite thing to do in free time is blow stuff up, burn stuff and shoot my guns and by guns i mean lots of guns, lots of explosions with black powder and good stuff like that

Kugler's Achievements

Forum Noob

Forum Noob (4/91)



  1. Hey gusys i just wanted to apologize to everyone for the reason that i havnt been on alot latley, my schedules was busy as hell and it just got fucked up even more But i want you guys to know that im still here and im gonna try to help where i can and get back into my practices, Apologizes to my friends in the 1st platoon, i will not be able to attend practices at that time any more, i have work at that time -Yours Respectfully -Pfc. E. Kugler [1st MRB]
  2. Ive tried a few and ill see how they work out tommorow
  3. yup, it happend to me once before and i fixed it, i tried it again to this new problem but it didnt work
  4. So i was able to take a screenshot, its in my Online Library on steam, it says it cannot make a secured connection to the Steam VAC servers. Help! - Pvt. E. Kugler [1st MRB]
  5. It stopped! If it pops up again ill take a screenshot, thanks for the help, ill be sure to use it again in the future if the problem shows itself again -Pvt. E. Kugler [1st MRB]
  6. It comes up with the Steam Disconnect Statment, I dont know if you have ever seen it before.
  7. Hey, so Just in DOD:S my computer cannot stay connected to the server , just this game and this server it cant stay connected to so some help would be much appreciated! - Pvt. E. Kugler [1st MRB]
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