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R. Allen 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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About R. Allen 1st MRB

  • Birthday 09/12/1990

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  1. Name: Betty Steam I.D:STEAM_0:0:8230720 Duration of Ban: perm Reasons for the Ban: Team killing Demo Provided?: No Comments:
  2. take a drink everytime i say "SNAAAAAKE" or " This is how we do it"
  3. Thought to start a topic for people who have a Playstation 4 and want to friend up cause everything is better when a 1st MRB group is rolling through the games. my PSN name is: Kami_Kyle
  4. guess i'll try this out. I'm Richard Allen, or Kyle, or Big K, or Snaaaaake(last one is mainly online persona). Born and raised in West "By God" Virginia. 22 going on 23 in September. Mainly A loner in school, just never felt satisfied chilling with groups. Yet for some odd reason I was known by many. Spent most of my free time either playing games or doing community theatre. My mom is on the board for our community theatre since I was born and has acted, directed, just about everything. So naturally just hung around there for most of my childhood. mainly did tech work till late middleschool/early highschool we started a youth theatre group cause our school quit having theatre classes when I got to highschool. so I dipped my hand in acting once or twice. Tried going to college but got kicked out 1st year and after that my dad had a string of bad luck with his health so I've been staying home taking care of him. but he's better now so trying to get my life back on track. My DoD history has been way back since it started. also played CS when my brother wasn't playing and always got bitched at for ruining his server rank lol. This is the first unit for DoDS i've ever been on. and thats my story and i'm sticking to it.
  5. well anyone who bought the game and is hating all the hacker and pvp going on in the servers. i got a private 50 man server for 1 month while the servers are on sale. just look up Big K's Zombieland server. the password is: marine raiders hope to see some of you guys on, and we'll make these zombies bleed out their assholes!
  6. SSgt. Richard "Snaaaaake" Allen The Secret World
  7. i thought he said he's from west virginia?
  8. anyone thinking what i'm thinking? a 1st MRB gathering on a cruise.
  9. truly epic
  10. well its not that people already got good, its just most of the people who are in the beta were more than likely experienced in the earlier games so they know all about staying with your group, focus firing, and damage distribution. but with practice and getting some guys in the unit together we could get a nice squad going.
  11. i was in the beta, i guess i still might be.
  12. hey guys, just wanted to know if anyone knows about the Day Z type game called War Z coming out tonight for alpha and october 30 for beta. they're selling packages at varying price for either alpha access or beta, plus the bigger packages come with in-game cash and your own server. i paid for the highest package and got a server for 6 months. if anyone is gonna be playing just talk to me and i can set a personal slot for your account if i'm correct.
  13. thanks everyone
  14. yeah i'm young, but i remember my brother playing it alot. and he's hyped for the game, i may not have been old enough to understand the game well back then. but i can't wait to try it out now.
  15. For anyone who's like the moba game series, or for people that want a little change in their game. Smite might just be your answer, fun game in closed beta right now. its based on gods of different areas or religions or whatever (never delved deep into the lore) such as: greek, norse, egyptian, chinese, and hindu. you pick your character and play the usual 5v5 game with three lanes but with a twist. your not playing the top downish style of starcraft, your playing third person behind the shoulder and you actually fight it out instead of millions of clicks doing your work. get ready for hacking, slashing, magic using and abusing, and much more. sign up for beta or purchase some gems to get instant access to the beta, only about 8 dollars for lowest purchase. which is about 2 gods, and you got your usual free to play gods of that week. if anyone happens to find this appealing and gets into the beta be sure to find me on there. just look for the name BigK
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