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Grant 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Grant 1st MRB

  1. Peter Jackson, because he is the best director of all time and a super friendly guy.
  2. Japan (27) USA (35) Mexico (14) Canada (39) Russia (17) England (19) Norway (41) Sweden (41) Finland (8)
  3. Grant Far Cry 3
  4. The temptation is great... you do not make this easy for me.... However I have quelled the overwhelming urge and have instead posted this: IT WAS REALLY HARD OK!!
  5. Thanks everyone, seeing this really meant a lot to me.
  6. I was perusing StumbleUpon today and came across this pretty cool video, its fairly old but after watching it it really got me thinking. Its a lecture (I suppose) given by Neil Tyson. Check it out if you have the time, even though I know its 12 minutes long. Believe me its worth it. Enjoy. http://www.break.com/index/a-fascinatingly...hought-2318820/
  7. Ok, first, yes on the last re install I finally got it working for the most part, I started a new game and it seemed to run well enough for a bit. Then the game crashed for the first time, I took to saving often so I got through the first part of the game by doing that. But it would crash I would have to reload that previous save to continue. When it crashes, the video will freeze, but the audio continues to play seemingly fine, but it won't move from that position and I have to open Task manager to shut it down. I should also point out that this is the game of the year edition on disc, not on steam. I have not opened an overlay for it. Also this is a brand new computer, I just got it last Friday. Here's my specs: MSI Laptop Intel i7 core-3610qm Nvidia GeForce GTX 680M / 4GB GDDR5 Ram: DDRIII 16GB (4GB*4) HDD: 750GB 7200RPM+256 SSD(Super Raid) Let me know if you need any more information, Thanks!
  8. Name: B. Grant Rank: Sgt Type of issue: Software Brief Description of Issue: After launching fallout 3 and about 10-15 minutes of gameplay, the game freezes with audio still playing but the game freezes. I then have to launch the task manager to close the game. I do not have any mods installed, and have reinstalled the game four times. ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: Resolved Main Technician: SSgt. A. Bryant Supporting Technician: GySgt. N. Holland
  9. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TAKEL!!!! GOT YOU A PRESENT!! an actual present will come when I get my new computer... which may take a while
  11. I'd have a ton more if it weren't for the Slope Chute not counting towards my post count....
  12. Fine, something non-crab cake picture.
  13. Hush, this is a happy thread. Embrace Happy thoughts!!!
  14. YAY!!!! THIS IS AWESOME THREAD!! Ok for one second who thought I wasn't going to post something like this?
  15. REALLY??????????
  16. Well there was this one show that I can't seem to recall the name of..... I know there are two seasons on Netflix. Hmmmmm, oh well.
  17. yeah... bummer
  18. *SNIFF They grow up so fast.
  19. omg on the bit with the interrogation it said as one of the questions "Who is best crab cake?" OMG DASBOSHITT IS A crab cake enthusiast!!!!!!!!!!
  21. You guys are going to hate me for this but i don't care because this is the bestest thing I have ever seen in the history of forever. The best part is it loops. WIN!
  22. CONGRATULATIONS! You asked and I deliver! I have a friend of mine who is just now starting to write and I would love to get a copy.
  23. I apologize if my last post was construed as disrespectful. That was certainly not my intention. My only intent was to defend my friend. As far as calling this a handout, the guy himself did not start this project, it was others in the community and his friends that heard of his situation and wanted to help him out. If that's the way that this thread is being viewed then I would like to kindly ask someone to take it down because at this point the thread is no longer a benefit to his situation. Thank you. I would again like to point out that I am in no way trying to start anything with anybody. At the beginning, my only thought was to help one of my friends. Thank you to anyone that did decide to help out.
  24. Sir, I would agree with you if he wasn't trying to leave the country as well. He lives in Canada and he is moving to Florida, that's how far he is willing to go and if that's the case, I don't think its some minor parent/child squabble. If he was just trying to get out of his parents house, that would be one thing. But he's not. And as far as the crab cake enthusiast issue goes, the only reason that came up is because it was the reason we met in the first place and its my crab cake enthusiastism that cause me to lend a helping hand. Regardless of the fact that we are both crab cake enthusiasts, he is my FRIEND and I want to do what I can to help him out. That's what being a crab cake enthusiast is about, being a good friend. By insulting him for being a crab cake enthusiast, I take that as an insult to myself.
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