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Grant 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Grant 1st MRB

  1. I am going to answer before anybody else does, just follow this link. Link
  2. Due to the nature of replies I am going to wait until tomorrow before I properly respond. All that I am going to say right now is that you do not have to donate if you don't want to hence the the fact that its a donation, not a required payment. Thank you.
  3. I understand this perfectly. And your not a fool to question it. You can take my word for it or not, but this claim is legitimate and I have talked to the guy personally. He is one of the top musicians in the crab cake enthusiast community and many of the other big name artists have vouched for him. This guy does work for many of the other musicians. Spectrum, the guy who runs the stream is a close personal friend of mine as well, and he vouches for him too and I do know him personally, i.e. me and him went to crab cake enthusiastcon together in NJ. If he vouches for him then that is good enough for me.
  4. Hey everyone. This is something a little bit different from what I usually post. I have a good friend that runs a live stream for MLP. Thats not really important, what is important is that a crab cake enthusiast musician is in some dire need of help. He is constantly harassed and picked on by his parents for being a crab cake enthusiast to the point that they are kicking him out at the end of the month. He's trying to raise money to move to Florida with a friend. I unfortunately do not have any extra money to give because I am in the process of moving and my budget is tight. I was hesitant to post this because I know a lot of people aren't very open to the whole crab cake thing but in my opinion, part of being a crab cake enthusiast is helping others out when they need it. So I am just spreading the message in all the ways I know how. Just follow the link and use the Chip-in link on the page to donate. The guy's story is on the page as well. Thanks.
  5. That is awesome, I watched it with my parents and we were all busting out laughing.
  6. Well then he is more clever even dead than we feared and therefore have no hope. You should run for the hills. Though try talking to him first, he may just be upset about the warts. I am assuming that was the cause of death.
  7. Then the lock wouldn't be there or it would be broken??? Come on this isn't that hard
  8. Woah what? Where did this come from????? Look all I wanted to do was share the link with the other crab cake enthusiasts in the unit. If you want to go we'll settle this in the Slope Chute the only way I know how. Imma love and tolerate the shit out of you.
  9. Look it said for crab cake enthusiasts only in the description so I don't know what yall were expecting lol.
  11. If I can figure out how to play the game i'd be down for it.
  13. For all you other crab cake enthusiasts in the unit or otherwise, I have been given the most awesome thing ever!! Mane 6 steam skins. Installation instructions are under each picture but they are all the same. I have them all installed and can switch them whenever I want. I am using Applejack right now! Mane 6 Skins
  14. Of course not that would be silly, its to prevent him from coming back as a zombie. Duh.
  15. You should call it "The Book of Yerrrrrr; A Book on the proper use of Yerrrrrrrr!"
  16. Taken by Takel when I went to Cardiff. Note the freaking awesome crab cake T-shirt.
  17. Wow! I saw this and got curious. I looked up when I joined and we joined the exact same day just a year later!!! So its my 1 year anniversary today as well!!!
  18. 10:58 PM - SSgt. L. Cast [1st MRB]: can you see into there? 10:59 PM - Cpl. B. Grant [1st MRB]: ? 10:59 PM - Cpl. B. Grant [1st MRB]: what? 10:59 PM - Cpl. B. Grant [1st MRB]: yes 10:59 PM - SSgt. L. Cast [1st MRB]: into that section 10:59 PM - Cpl. B. Grant [1st MRB]: what section? 10:59 PM - Cpl. B. Grant [1st MRB]: what are you talking about? 10:59 PM - Cpl. B. Grant [1st MRB]: WHAT DID I DO?!?!? 10:59 PM - SSgt. L. Cast [1st MRB]: the new intelligence section 10:59 PM - SSgt. L. Cast [1st MRB]: it lists you as browsing this forum bit 11:00 PM - Cpl. B. Grant [1st MRB]: ummm not that i know of 11:00 PM - SSgt. L. Cast [1st MRB]: ah phew 11:00 PM - Cpl. B. Grant [1st MRB]: is it the office of stratigic services? 11:00 PM - SSgt. L. Cast [1st MRB]: got all my porn in there 11:00 PM - SSgt. L. Cast [1st MRB]: yeah 11:00 PM - Cpl. B. Grant [1st MRB]: HOLY SHIT!! 11:00 PM - Cpl. B. Grant [1st MRB]: WTF?!?!!?
  21. SHOULD I SAY IT???
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