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Grant 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Grant 1st MRB

  1. Wow Cutts that a pretty impressive list, the awesome thing is i can do the majority of those while i am here. You just gave me so terribly awesome ideas. My classes are only Tues. and Thursdays so i have a 4 day weekend every weekend as well as getting yall's bank holiday off the same weekend as the Jubilee. Though drugs aren't really my thing nor is drinking I am sure that the next 6 weeks is going to be awesome. My goal: PONIFY LONDON!!!
  2. Sure that sounds awesome. Like I said in my previous post, I am living in a flat in Chelsea and pretty much have every evening free. I only will have classes on Tues. and Thurs. so if you wanna meet-up just message me with details and I'll try and find you And Cast I came here mainly for the classes that the program offered coupled, the fact that they were only twice a week, and I figured it was a great jumping off point for the rest of Europe. I plan on going to as many places that I can. I definitively want to go to Edinburgh and Dublin, but I really want to make my way over to Italy and Germany. France... meh not so much, except for Normandy, lol.
  3. Hi! I'm 19 years old and was actually born in Greensville, SC. I have moved around a lot since then and my family now lives in Lafayette, LA. I went to Lyman Ward Military Academy half way through my Junior year of high school and graduated from there. I now attend the Citadel in Charleston, SC where I am majoring in History and doing a minor in business. I plan on staying in the Charleston area once I graduate but I have no idea on what I want to do. And if you don't know or can't tell... I LOVE crab cakes!!! lol
  4. Well I was going to make my own topic but this here popped up so nevermind. I am in London right now, Chelsea to be exact. I am at the start of a 6 week study abroad program in which I only have my classes on Tues. and Thurs. which is awesome because it leaves me tons of chances to go see the rest of Europe. Anybody got any suggestions on places to eat?
  5. OMG SO MUCH WIN!!! It was awesome the best movie I have seen in a long time.
  6. I love this series I keep up to date with it as much as I can. Though he takes a really long time between videos... like several months. Still absolutely hilarious.
  7. Mad??? Whatever gave you that impression????? MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  10. But don't you see Bickford? Your conversion has already started and is out of my hands. In time the great and powerful crab cake overlords will consume your heart and soul and you will become one of us. I no longer have anything to do with it. However, if you want to feebly attempt to continue this war and fight against that which is unstoppable, then by all means continue your fruitless endeavor. You shall see.
  11. Two things good Bickford. 1) I shall add one point because you have used this video once before. I would like to cite page 3 of this thread. 2) You have admitted that my little crab cakes are cute. You just reacted poorly to this new and unknown feeling. Its understandable. All crab cake enthusiasts go through the same process when assimilating into the herd. You have taken your first steps. YOU ARE NOW DOOMED TO FAIL!!!
  12. Oh my I am terribly sorry it has taken me so long to counter attack, but you see FINAL EXAMS SUCK!!!!!! I have one more left and everything will be back to normal , well as normal as this thread can be... I am going to try and respond to all the recent posts, To Bickford: YOU CAN NOT RESIST!!! To Griswold: Tis true that it is not over yet, I shall see to that. To Maines: Don't lie, you laugh everytime you see this thread. And To Mcdowell: Don't forget about my original goal, I will convert you to the crab cake enthusiast way. Don't think by ignoring this thread that I will just leave you be. Bickford can't distract me enough for that.
  13. Maines don't be silly, cupcakes go in your mouth not your butt. THIS IS HOW EXCITED I AM!!
  15. What???? I absolutely destroyed you!!! You won, I think, one round with one weapon if that. Don't you sugar coat it.
  16. Tis only a suggestion... no need to get so defensive, especially since i kicked your flank in the ultimate challenge
  17. You could watch the first couple of episodes of MLP. Thats what I do when I have nothing else to do.
  18. HA HA!!! IT IS A G4 crab cake!!! Thats a filly version of Pinkie Pie. It comes from episode 23, season 1. Its part of her cutie mark story. I won't go into specifics though lol.
  19. Also I had to share this picture, I don't care who you are or what you like that is incredible. Also on another note: Another reason I love this show and its fandom is the amazing charities that have been started. Tara Strong, voice actress that voices Twilight Sparkle (the purple one...), held an charity auction to sell an autographed T-shirt, it was a simple shirt that might have gone for ohh maybe $15. She sold it for over $1,500. Another charity called crab cake enthusiasts for good did a charity album back around Christmas to raise money for children chemo patients. Musicians from all over the fandom contributed to the album and the charity raised over $26,000 in just under 1 month. Thats just insane!!! I have never personally experienced this kind of charity before in my life.
  21. HEY!!!!! I WILL NEVER SURRENDER!!!! I am going into final exams right now so my schedule is pretty hectic. I will continue the fight as often as I can, but right now school comes first... Mind you crab cakes are a close second. I saw both of your posts earlier today but was unable to post a proper reply until now. As a response to being called a hypocrite, I have this to say: Is worth it to fight for what you believe in? If it is not, then what is worth fighting for? To love and tolerate is not the same as accepting and I will not simply roll over and take a beating just because I believe everyone DESERVES love and tolerance. As far as the pictures of crab cakes in battle gear and fighting, I posted these for two reasons. One: Because I wanted to share some of the amazing artists and designers that the community has to offer, and Two: the show itself preaches that you must stand up for yourselves and your friends and that sometimes "violence" is necessary. Violence does not always equal hate. I don't think that I have to cite all the cases that this is this is true. AS FAR AS I AM CONCERNED I WILL DO WHAT EVER IT TAKES TO PREVAIL IN THIS VITAL WAR ON HATE!!!! And yeah if anyone doesn't like this you should blame either Byrant for starting the thread or Takel for inciting the war. LOL
  22. HEY!!!!! I WILL NEVER SURRENDER!!!! I am going into final exams right now so my schedule is pretty hectic. I will continue the fight as often as I can, but right now school comes first... Mind you crab cakes are a close second. I saw both of your posts earlier today but was unable to post a proper reply until now. As a response to being called a hypocrite, I have this to say: Is worth it to fight for what you believe in? If it is not, then what is worth fighting for? To love and tolerate is not the same as accepting and I will not simply roll over and take a beating just because I believe everyone DESERVES love and tolerance. As far as the pictures of crab cakes in battle gear and fighting, I posted these for two reasons. One: Because I wanted to share some of the amazing artists and designers that the community has to offer, and Two: the show itself preaches that you must stand up for yourselves and your friends and that sometimes "violence" is necessary. Violence does not always equal hate. I don't think that I have to cite all the cases that this is this is true. AS FAR AS I AM CONCERNED I WILL DO WHAT EVER IT TAKES TO PREVAIL IN THIS VITAL WAR ON HATE!!!!
  23. Hatting???? Does that have something to do with wearing hats? Thats so adorable. and Quaterman: I know, you have no idea how many things like that there are in the show. You should look into the apple cider, LOL Octavia as an Elven warrior!!
  24. Follow this link here. I have already explained this to a certain degree on this post. Follow the links I posted on that one. Any more of this argument can be posted on that thread because like Parker said first and I agree with, I don't want this thread to get too heavy with that kind of thing. If you want to argue on a personal level, then message me on steam, send me a pm, or something. Now back to what this thread was about... TO DEFEAT THE HATERS!!!!
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