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Grant 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Grant 1st MRB

  1. Dinky is not amused... We have this.
  2. Ok, McDowell two things... 1) That isn't a 4th gen crab cake so its ineffective... and 2) I am now making it a personal life goal of mine to convert you into a crab cake enthusiast. I will now devote all of my free time to getting you to join the herd. Ready yourself McDowell
  3. ALL OF MY YES!!! Like I said, anything can be ponified. ANYTHING!!!
  4. AAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW :'( I was really looking forward to that. That would be soooooo cool!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!! Can Fluttershy change your mind?
  5. Well not that I have gotten that out of my system...
  6. I think I am going to go cry in a corner now... Thank you McDowell...
  7. The videos are made by the Citadel itself, I am in Hotel company and we are in a few segments of the videos. What we are going through in the videos is called the Gauntlet. However, this was around 10:00am. Our day started at 5:30 with a two and a half hour Regimental PT session and then the worst breakfast I have ever eaten. All in all this was an awesome day and I am so happy that it is all finally over.
  8. ;Be aware... I can find anything and everything ponified. And if I can't find it, I can have it made in no time at all. I now command a small crab cake enthusiast army in the Charleston area. Don't test me...
  9. I don't think anybody wants me to get started... lol
  10. Lol thanks guys, I am now officially not a knob any more!!! And the term "knob" comes from door knob. It comes from us shaving our heads bald and resembling door knobs. Lol. But I would rather be called a knob then a "Rat" (VMI's freshman) I will post pictures soon!
  11. Yeah... maybe I should clarify. At the Citadel the fourth class system is something that all freshman go through. Every major service academy across the country has their own fourth class system but ours runs the longest. And tomorrow all of that ends. I will be finished with my knob year! To give you an idea of what I will be doing, watch this:
  12. Tomorrow is the day I have been waiting for all year. Its Recognition Day, my knob year, and subsequently the hardest year of my life will come to an end. The upperclassmen will recognize us and we will become normal people again, YAY! I will definitely post pictures here after tomorrow is over. It starts tomorrow morning at 5:30.
  13. AAWWWWWWWW HELL NAH!!!! OH NO YOU DIDN'T!!!!!!!!!! You obviously did not see my previous post... PSA GO EDUMACATE URSELF!!! LOL and Stone you were absolutely right
  14. Why would you do that to me!!!! Your going to make me cry!!! YOU MONSTER!
  15. Ladies and Gentleman of the 1st MRB, I give to you.... Pinkie Pie. Let your minds be blown.
  16. Yeah I think I am going to be doing this more often. Happy Birthday Yall!!!
  17. Sounds awesome, Thanks!
  18. OMG I LOVE THESE!! Baker sent this to me and I still haven't gotten them to work yet
  19. Happy Birthday!! Hope yall have a good one!
  20. I have got to send this to my uncle. He has the exact same bird lol. Where did you find it?
  21. You should totally come to the Citadel, its oh so much fun.... lol
  22. I concede, you win. Wow...
  23. Oh yeah?!?! I threw a primed nade up through a sewer trap door and it went straight up and right back down killing me and Baker! Top that! Oh and sorry bout that Baker.
  24. I think i would win the worst nade of the month award lol
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