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Barry 1st MRB

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Everything posted by Barry 1st MRB

  1. No worries Fuji. I'll take care of this.
  2. ( X ) Doubt
  3. Thanks.
  4. Name: gKilla Steam I.D: U:1:194758817 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Blatant Hacking Demo Provided?: No, SSgt. A. Giovannoli and CWO. J. Gougeon present. Comments: Notified of Blatant Hacking by Gougeon and Giovannoli.
  5. O)>
  6. Barry 1st MRB


  7. The power of editing hahaha.
  8. Maybe...
  9. Nice kill
  10. Done. Banned for 3 Days. Please post a realistic ban duration next time.
  11. Don't lie you own a Renault Espace.
  12. 199 avg
  13. Impressive you didn't use your Ult.
  14. I believe he was kicked after it happened. We will follow it up and if he returns with the same intentions we can ban him.
  15. Nice. Hope to see you on when you have a break. Congrats on the big move!
  16. I was present during this incident. The team kills you received were NOT intentional and had nothing to do with you speaking French on the server. That being said we do have a server policy to keep the chat to English only. Just like our policy to keep any chat about the game, this is so we don't alienate some of our public players and ruin the fun for everyone. As for the comment he made against your family I can only say that some people get carried away and say some interesting things but should be taken lightly. Any grievous offense on another players part (ex: Racism or Bigotry) will be met with warning and punishment. As to why YOU were banned it was for the team wound on another player. The ban however has been updated to one day instead of one week which was hit by mistake. We hope to see you back on our server after this ban has completed. Regards, Barry 1st MRB
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