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Barry 1st MRB

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Everything posted by Barry 1st MRB

  1. Its an awesome game. Lots of things improved over the original. I got a head shot that skimed the top of a germans helmet and dented it in to kill him and the bullet kept going into the officer behind him right in his eyeball
  2. If it has an amoniated smell to it its probably not too good to eat. unless frozen, cooked lobster in the shell can start to have a decaying process but 2 days should be allright MELT LOTS OF BUTTER
  4. this pretty much sums up the game....go around killing stupid bandits and killing innocent people who ask for help
  5. waste of butter...
  6. he sheds like crazy tho...my carpet is never clean
  7. i dont know the full details but the vikings mis led there enemies and others to believe that one place was the other so they would stay out of iceland
  8. that video was the funniest thing i saw today and im dl too
  9. this does not scare me
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