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Barry 1st MRB

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Everything posted by Barry 1st MRB

  1. Very hard shots thank you for noticing. :3
  2. For all the videos I have been making I have used Windows Movie Maker which should be pre-installed on a Windows OS PC. If not download it off of a windows website. Its a very basic editing program but it suites my needs as an amateur editor. Some people use Sony Vegas Pro but that isn't free *COUGH torrent COUGH*
  3. I was reading this too fast and thought you wrote "I cried she cried I was ravenous" I spit out my drink. Congratulations though! 10/10 would spit drink again.
  4. The best parts in the video are when he drives a tank and it gets perfectly stuck in a trench and when the overview voice says objective names like "We are losing apple." "We are losing Duff"
  5. My birthday: October 21st or the 18th if you sell your soul to ea early access
  6. For anyone who missed the EA stream here is a video of some Battlefield 1 game-play from YouTuber LevelCap.
  7. That's exactly what the hacker would say. I'M NOT BUYING IT!
  10. Oops. I meant he got US tickets. I went with him because his business partners own the suite. There is some contractual obligation to buy out the entire box (13 seats) if you buy into an event so there were spare seats. He's not a big heavy metal guy so he "tolerated" the night but we had some fun.
  11. So about a month ago my dad told me he played golf with Nicko McBrain at an event in Florida. I immediately flipped out and asked him if he got some signatures (sadly he did not). Then yesterday out of nowhere he hands me a ticket to seats at the Garden in a private suite to see Iron Maiden LIVE. BEST. DAY. EVER. Now to coax some AC/DC tickets out of him for April haha. Some pictures of the night below. The opening band was The Raven Age which were very good too. Sorry for potato quality.
  12. Name: Liam Barry Rank: Warrant Officer Type of issue: Hardware Brief Description of Issue: Start up my games like CS:GO and DoD:S and I notice a consistently lower FPS than normal with a bit of screen lag or tear. Nothing has changed on my PC in terms of settings. PC is clean and well ventilated. One day everything is normal and the next my games are suffering. ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: Resolved Researching Pending Reply Resolved Unresolved Main Technician: I. Turner Supporting Technician: J. Candy
  13. Hello George, I moved your topic to the proper office.
  14. I can't remember what skin I used. I got it off gamebanana a while ago. Sorry.
  15. What do you mean can't handle wide HTML? It looks good to me.
  16. I just heard Rand Paul dropped out.
  17. "We aint gona be in no fiyah. Not today!"
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