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Barry 1st MRB

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Everything posted by Barry 1st MRB

  1. Name: "{•¢DETROIT CITY╢↔" Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:49978428 Reasons for the Ban: Multiple Team-kills with MG. Recommended duration of ban: 1 Week Demo Provided?: No
  2. I have an extra saddle but thank you Willow. I just hope it wasn't one of the MRB members who took him. I would hope that everyone on the server would be mature and responsible. Things like this are why I stopped playing Minecraft years ago.
  3. That would be great when you have the chance Sir. The Farm and Town Hall areas of town seem to have a restriction so we cant pick stuff up or kill animals. OTHER NOTES I keep joining the server and finding that someone is taking certain things in large unnecessary quantities from the farm. I'm on right now and there is no more wheat or sugar cane in the farm storage and we had stacks and stacks of it. We are getting kind of sloppy and not replacing things when we can. Also, my horse seems to have disappeared from the stable. I dont know if someone stole it or it just magically disappeared.
  4. You guys did an awesome job with your theme! I want to get back into Minecraft now that my computer can handle it without needing every texture to resemble square pink donuts. Already put in the white list request and will be around Monday to play. Save me a spot in town PLZ!
  5. Thought I would make a video with a different twist to it.
  6. No one would be able to replace any of them especially Clarkson. The fact they refused to film the last couple of episodes without him proves that they are in it together. If he gets something on Netflix or another show I bet they will gladly join him. Also one of my favorite videos
  7. Name: M o t u s Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:45183930 Reasons for the Ban: Team Wound after warning. Recommended duration of ban: 1 day. Demo Provided?: No.
  8. Haha I was editing and heard that part and was like " Bradley just calm down its just a game" and had like a 2 minute conversation with myself Bc I thought you were there
  9. Very nice. Game looks really good. good rundown
  10. What a coincidence. Just yesterday I was putting pants on then socks and thought this was an annoyance because I had to pull up my pant legs to pull the socks up. I vote for the socks first.
  11. Elder Scrolls Online is becoming a free to play game on March 17th 2015. Great news for all of us who bought the game but found the subscriptions too much from month to month. It will still have subscription packages that act like a premium account but will not be necessary to play the game. NOTE: If you haven't bought the game yet it is still $60 USD to start but after that its FTP http://kotaku.com/how-the-subscription-fre...-wor-1680958606
  12. good kills nice vid
  13. Nicely done!
  14. I was helping you out yesterday but like I said I'm not sure what the issue is with your "black screen error". Someone more qualified than I, like Chief Warrant Officer Griswold or Lieutenant McDowell, can help I'm sure.
  15. word
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