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Tate 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Tate 1st MRB

  1. Looks amazing. Although I'm pretty sure you guys don't want to visit any sites that Brown has been too already. He marks his territory. Quite well.
  2. OMG hes in 2nd Platoon!!!
  3. breathtaking
  4. I'm going through that too. Catching up on netflix then I can get around to the new season. Its amazing how this show doesn't stop and keeps dominating.
  5. It is a thing of beauty.
  6. GySgt. L. Gibbs [1st MRB] ???
  7. "Ugh, fuck off Harding" lmao Welcome back bud!
  8. lol ohh the subway days. I made Dwight Howard a sub once when he was still playing for Orlando. Actually a nice guy too.
  9. *CRASH* "Hey Ron" "Hey Billy" "That hurt"
  10. Cheers 2nd Lt.! Happy birthday
  11. I drive a 2013 F-150 right now, with roll up windows, manual locks, bottom of the line lol Sometimes I walk or walk where I need to go like Gougeon
  12. Dodger dog and Chi dog all the way. I had no idea there was so many different ones.
  13. Awesome newsletter everyone. I enjoyed reading about the realism with the 6th RB great stuff Quarterman. Also nice review of Interstellar, Melynk. That film is one of my favorites of 2014. You have me listening to the soundtrack now
  14. The king of flatground. Even he will admit that he couldn't do vert. He would watch Tony Hawk do his tricks but on a half pipe or a bowl. Crazy stuff.
  15. Wow magic what an experience. Thank you for sharing. I have many memories of skating as a kid and when I first got hooked. I can remember friends showing up to high school with road rash of pieces of there jeans stuck in there skin. I avoid the huge angled steep hills where I will have to "stay on the atomic bomb." lol But to me, skating is all about falling and getting back up and doing what you love no matter what. btw what is the most dangerous thing you've done?
  16. Here is me skating the West Orange Trail, a bike trail in Orange County Florida. This section is in Clermont. Enjoy guys, thanks for watching.
  17. Here's another skate video. Florida is relatively flat everywhere, but in Clermont, FL there are plenty of hills and elevation. Please watch and comment thanks
  18. Did Hill just instinctively reply to the post without reading April fools? lol Somebody has definitely done this before. Who was it?
  19. Dude its so smooth. I love this video, its just easy on the eyes if that makes any sense. Great shooting and song as well gearhart.
  20. Me and my buddy messing around on my neighbors ramp. Check it out and comment thanks
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