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Tate 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Tate 1st MRB

  1. sorry we don't have those special british cereals listed. lol Cinnamon Toast Crunch ftw
  2. Over 9000!
  3. that fuckin looks like batman's mouse lol And I'll have to check out that razer black mamba parker
  4. haha nice farr. I think mine is the best, Razer copperhead
  5. New Video I like what happens at the end.
  6. This is definitely on my list too Ford. Maybe play a round at the masters in augusta too if that's possible lol.
  7. they just be hatin baby farr. that's all a hater knows how to do.
  8. ......wow. thanks for the post Worsham. Didn't know there was mulitiplayer game footage out. Something about the BF3 music gives me goosebumps now everytime.
  9. I'll drink a beer to that Happy Birthday bro
  10. FINALLY McDowell! A michael jackson moonwalking techno dancer! that looks kinda asian too lol http://youtu.be/UgPKc9FUC6Y
  11. hahahha holy shit evo that gif is awesome.
  12. Another video I recorded while spectating. Got some great shots of Orozco
  13. pretty stereotypical that his name was rick astley. rick rolling the server apparently. lol
  14. RIP and I hope hamilton gets over this too.
  15. My New Haircut jager bombs.
  16. haha elder. you weren't the one that was yelling "shoot em!shoot em!shoot em!" were you?
  17. lol I wish I could of recorded more. It's so funny to hear what everyone is saying while they spectate.
  18. oops broken link
  19. Police Academy's 1-9
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