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Tate 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Tate 1st MRB

  1. Amazing views Brown, keep posting photos Btw you are now on a journey to find both cats. Once found, snap a photo for a prize. ps the prize is a lap dance from Stone
  2. Thanks everyone. I had a great weekend. Totally sober
  3. I love this post. Kirkendall my favorite is Barnabus, love that face(and name). And Barry I like Maxwell, seems like a sweet dog. Here is Motor, died years ago. And Buddy.
  4. skip to 0:40
  5. In the end...nimbly catpeople will survive the zombie apocalypse.
  6. Here's what I've been jamming
  7. nice shooting Bradley. looked good.
  8. just had a weird issue where some people were lagging in the server(me and taze) and some weren't. I was having issues where the voices were choppy and my movement was too. here is the trace.
  9. Wow a timekeeper, that's old school. This is interesting stuff guys, thank you I like it. I can remember doing matches on old dod but never saw a realism until I joined the 1st.
  10. Who created realisms? The other day I was thinking about who or where the realism idea came from. Hopefully some of my fellow members can have some input here. Has it always been in the format we use? Attack/defend, Attack/defend AvA. And did it start with the original dod?
  11. thanks brown i just coughed out a lung laughing to that
  12. yeah damn CrimiNoles. I respect Oregon though, they should be the team that wants it the most. If they win people will finally know them as a top school in football. Oh yeah, damn you Lystad!
  13. I'm hoping to see Alabama play FSU in the final game and I predict Alabama to win. Let me know if you disagree with any of the top 4 teams as well.
  14. here's a longer one
  15. I have been having issues the past couple weeks with lag spikes and ping issues. I don't know if this will show any of that but I hope it helps.
  16. Soo many good times branem. You have the videos to prove it lol Please check in now and then if you can, but family always comes first. I wish you the best.
  17. I had to go with John Williams. The Jaws theme is one of my favorites and Indiana Jones as well. Those movies are good, but the music is great and is what people will remember.
  18. that was awesome. so cool to see everyone just join in and sing
  19. bobofthewood7 - just got bf4
  20. makes my penis go boing boing boing
  21. These are some clips I had saved, and it's all I had to work with. So this one is short and sweet. Let me know what you guys think.
  22. Awesome vid barry.
  23. Loving these vids man. So hilarious when holland landed on your head. lol
  24. Happy to do it Mottola This is some old footage from last year. Here is wide screen.
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