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Tate 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Tate 1st MRB

  1. they should stick John Clayton on their asses
  2. From my recent trip down to Miami to see the marlins v braves. Beautiful ball park
  3. hahaha same here. Although I am just now realizing that it's muscle
  4. It is also listed as an Announcement anywhere in Battalion Headquarters at the top. Btw if you guys have enjoyed my previous uploads, please subscribe to my youtube channel, that way you can view the new HOTM as soon as I upload it.
  5. Name: g0tb Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:55590659 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: Hacking - aimbot. Spectated him and have demo recorded. Demo Provided?: Yes demo start at 50,000 ticks. Comments:
  6. Name: Jewsdid9/11 Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:55590659 Reasons for the Ban: Racism Recommended duration of ban: Perm Demo Provided?: No
  7. Name: RIO is a Pretty Pretty Princess Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:41154750 Reasons for the Ban: Massive team killing with mg42 in spawn Recommended duration of ban: perm Demo Provided?: Yes if needed
  8. I like dat hillbilly express myself
  9. If I didn't do it, Parker would of posted it. Happy Birthday brother!
  10. Thank you guys so much These are some great comments I love it. We have so much talent in this unit, let's show it off more!
  11. it was at 3 mins for me McDowell, when that ostrich started hauling ass lol
  12. Happy Sweet 16 Roussel Drink one for me
  13. haha I'd be happy to do it buddy. Thanks for the comments guys much appreciated. Maybe we can get some interest in HOTM stirred up again.
  14. Please watch and feedback is always appreciated let me know what you guys like/disliked about it.
  15. hell yeah gearhart nice video, good song as well. Funny part at 2 mins where your teammate fails at a nade prime lol. Keep em coming
  16. I love these, great stuff. MORE! lol
  17. hashahhaahha so true
  18. hahahaha done.
  19. Happy birthday bro. Party hard!
  20. Name: Monsta Jax Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:35621648 Duration of Ban: permanent Reasons for the Ban: massive team killing with mg in spawn on restart Demo Provided?: Yes if needed Comments:
  21. LOL wow dawson that just made my day Happy Birthday Rather yerrrrr
  22. Happy Birthday Sarsons Do some co co co co co co co cocaaaaaaine!
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