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Tate 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Tate 1st MRB

  1. hahahahha omg. fucking big guy stripping down to his speedo WOW. Im wondering if they did a dress rehearsal for this one before hand
  2. Big thanks goes out to Parker who made the MRB Media intro which looks amazing. Enjoy guys
  3. hahhaaha mcdowell. oops the secrets are out. Thanks for the comments everyone, much appreciated.
  4. fishin divin
  5. Looks great martinez. I like the overall "look" of the video you used with some nice effects, and the song was trippy. very cool stuff. fuji had some really nice kills as well.
  6. Amazing shot. And that pump fist lvl was over 9000! but Click are you standing up for his caddy Stevie? I mean he made that guy millions, and now hes probably making more money on Adam Scott's bag. At this point, all you can do is wait and see if Tiger will win another major. I think it will shock a lot of people if he does though.
  7. nope just knifed peaker, like wayyy later in the round lol have a few other projects going on right now but I'm gonna do a video just for this match soon.
  8. Screen shot from the match today. Anderson is on the left, Cast on the right.
  9. hahahha nice. you love this game huh bryant?
  10. Thanks
  11. Thanks guys I forgot to say, Parker made the MRB Media intro which looks great
  12. I'm part of the right nut
  13. awesome news Dillon. I have a little niece that is a little monster already. You will be a great dad
  14. Wow thank you all I am loving the feedback.
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