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H. Stone 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by H. Stone 1st MRB

  1. He has been permanently banned. Including all associated accounts!
  2. You have been warned, over and over again. We have asked you to behave, and not cause these problems in the server. Your Ban will not be lifted, and you are now Permanently Banned.
  3. Hey Guys Donate to this for an amazing cause and event on Twitch TV. \ Will Farell Needs Your Help
  4. I spoke with the Banning admin, He stated you argued with him about the rules, and called him a "traitor to Quebec" "Seriously Cannon you are a traitor to your nation" You don't argue with Admins, nor do you make comments to fuel issues like Politics or Affiliations in our server. Lastly by reading how you wrote in your unban request you have a pretty good command of the English language. You can speak English in our servers, you can listen to our admins, It is a one day ban, I am going to let it run the one day. When you are finally off the ONE DAY BAN, you may play in our servers, but remember follow our rules, and be respectful of our admins.
  5. While observing you, the following was noted. You made headshots while sprinting and firing at the same time. You were getting kills through different walls in numerous locations where the walls are not penetrable. You were tracing walls, watching players through them, which was obvious on a few different occasions. While I also did observe you thoroughly checking corners, to the point of me asking myself "why did he check that obvious spot". While I have watched you before and never noticed anything, this time you gave clear evidence you were doing something abnormal. Just because you may be a competitive player, doesn't mean you don't do the above items. There are plenty of Athletes who use performance enhancing drugs, Removal Of Ban is Denied.
  6. Name: MXJ Steam I.D:STEAM_0:1:11310789 Duration of Ban: PERM Reasons for the Ban: Blatan WallHack- was following players through walls, firing through walls on donner well before being clear of the wall, firing through impermeable walls by spawn. Was Sprinting and firing, and getting headshots. Had a normal Ping of 15-35. Witnessed by MSgt. L. Barry and SSgt. A. Balian
  7. I like the part where the balls pop out of is mouth
  8. What do you do with your balls
  9. Premium Members of BF4 Download the CTE for Final Stand is out- Download it I am gonna say this things in the future of BF to be foretold
  10. Turtle Beach, Razer Kraken, Corsair Vengence
  11. - I have heard for myself- Stoney Bologna from Magoo - Barry- Bawwy from Kirk -Mottola- Motolo - Rousell- Dicknose Albatross - Allen- Smokes McGoats - Magoo- Magoolicutty - Visca- Pope Gregory- Greggy Poo, and Holy Visca - K. Swartz- Drunky Mcdrunkerstein -Bunt- Bunt the Cunt - Cannon- Old-man from UP
  12. Name: Sixgill Steam I.D:STEAM_0:0:9851517 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: Continually has been banned for disrespecting members and players, he then tonight started to harass members after he was banned now for the third time for the same offense, on top of mic spamming, trolling, being annoying in the pub, harrassing and disrespecting other players. Disrespecting admins, "This server isn't even GOOD" "you all suck" " yuor guyz suck this is way we dont hang with this jokers" ETC ETC ETC..... He is a former Rec. I believe, he is now permanently banned Sixgill AKA Shawn Case- If we are not that good- why did you try to join.
  13. So Disney world and Disney world Employees have developed their own Family friendly server:: server mcmagic.us Make sure you behave on the server it is a family place.
  14. It's probably a call for food, and if you do it over time the animals get organized like sheep, all animals that herd are capable of this DUCK Army fear the down
  15. http://youtu.be/qnydFmqHuVo
  16. what in the actual FUCK
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