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H. Stone 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by H. Stone 1st MRB

  1. Well Ladies and Gents, I know I have been missing the past week and a half!All is good, no worries! I had a death in the family, My Great Uncle and had a chance to celebrate his life by dedicating my time, as he would always tell me to do, to My Fire Department!I spent the last five days literally living at the firehouse morning and night restoring, cleaning, polishing, re-organizing- all of the equipment! Anyone who wants to see how much that is I will send you a picture!Since I did all this work, and I had no idea, every year our firehouses in the district I live in, we have three fire houses two engine and one Hook and Ladder where I am stationed, have a competition for Memorial Day ! Best house wins a dinner all expenses payed for that company!On Friday my Chief comes to me and says Hey Probie you do all this, I said yes and he said you know the entire company had a work detail on Saturday and Sunday to all of this!I said no I didn't, Chief then says- great job, hope the guys can find something to spruce up!Long story short we Won! Moral of the story is- Memorial Day for me this year wasn't just about the troops, but My Uncle and his legacy as a FireFighter, and truck detail artist! He was the last gold leaf truck painter on long island before the switch to decals! A week before he died, he reminded me of his coast guard days in WW2 and how he missed the firehouse smells, and he said this to me "Have pride in what you love, Love everything and everyone"
  2. This isnt Call of Duty! I don't think this one is possible. Done it, it is very possible usually takes 3 pistol shots and a smoke to do it though
  3. Posted in wrong section cause i was tired
  4. Hey everyone I figured I would share this with all of you, but especially the guys in the unit presently involved in Career Fire, Volunteer Fire, Ems, and Police lines of duty. I became friends this past weekend, with one of America's heroes Chief Billy Goldfeder. He is a major Contributor to how to operate safely in the line of duty, mainly for the Fire Service, however a lot of our work Dove tails together. Here is a very useful, insightful, many times funny but serious review of mistakes, mishaps, and things we all can learn from. http://www.firefighterclosecalls.com/ I encourage anyone interested in this kind of stuff to check it out, also if you are ever planning on joining a Fire Dept. or any service job this will show you how real it is.
  5. All of those are not really good beers,Franzikiner Shock topDelirium
  6. Told you I am a Sith with my own style of mind tricks
  7. http://www.starwarsattacksquadrons.com/ Xwing Vs Tie Fighter- Beta is Closing soon, so get your shot to check this out
  8. Hey Ma Pre Halo years-- Elysium style
  9. Necropost for the win
  10. http://www.funnyjunk.com/funnyjunk/funny-gifs/5117644/
  11. I always thought of Rather when i saw this not sure why?
  12. Oh Yeah New Game- Match the face to the picture-- IN THE UNIT
  13. He is a high pinger that does not speak or read English from Asia somewhere!Not sure what else can be done, he always comes back.
  14. Wilson be happy it is blocked ..... faceplam
  15. http://www.wtae.com/sports/2yearolds-inten...-viral/25607734
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