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H. Stone 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by H. Stone 1st MRB

  1. I can't drink Vodka it makes me violent for some odd reason!
  2. Once in a while, and I mean once in a while, Parker you amaze me---------jk I like this
  3. So people keep asking- What do you like if you don't drink Beer- I do drink beer, but rarely. When I drink I like the best of the best....... Here is the list: Dalmore RUM Lagavulin RYE Midelton Franzi
  4. Rowen Atkinson is one of the funniest most brilliant actors in a very long time! Best show Black Adder is on netflix and you all should check that out! Hugh Laurie, and many others owe Atkinson for their start in tv and movies
  5. thats the the point DUMB
  6. While I cannot perform a 20 day 3hour, lets be more serious when we post these, I have given him a 3 week ban maybe this time he will learn!
  7. So not to steal Ultra's thunder but we too are expecting in Nov.
  8. We are expecting ours in NOV. Cool bro very cool
  9. I thought into to this picture even more and found this suiting, Yeah i really should stop laying my hose around so haphazardly thats how my wife Got pregnant for the second time>>>>>>
  10. This is what you call a liability/ also this is why Firefighters die, negligent operators aka Officers who do stupid shit. Sadly a Pennsylvania Firefighter passed last week on the rails of a train track. Honestly if I was the Chief of that department, the chauffeur of that truck and the officer would be dismissed!
  11. But seriously who put the acid in my coke
  12. Welcome to the darkside of the WEB muhahahahaha I HAVE YOU NOW
  13. My list is as follows Nintendo and Sega Top Gun Strider Metroid Red Alert RushNattack Contra 1-4 Streets of Rage 1-3 Double Dragon 1-3 Megaman Altered Beast Gauntlet PC Oregon Trail Where in the world is carmen sandiago Kings Quest 1-7 Myst SPQR 7th Guest 7thguest 11th hour both now on steam is you like horror puzzle games Diablo 1-3 X-Wing Vs Tie Fighter aka the best game ever........no one can say otherwise
  14. Shit i know i should have read this before changing his server rank.........................................................(((QQ)))
  15. So I got people around me constantly asking me what I listen to, well I finally cracked and told them, being I did radio in College I cannot narrow what I really like so I typically hit up this style of Remix, remastered, and House music. Also keep in mind I used to spend a lot of time in the Hamptons as a Bar tender at a place called the http://www.boardybarn.com/ This may be something some of you like- who knows
  16. Lvl 70 paragon 60 crusader and all the other except witch doctor, but need farmers to help get better gear in adventure mode still squishy
  17. While I hear and see a lot of this lately, My prayers and thoughts go out to Fallen Brothers! I want everyone that reads this, to understand that we Who are Firefighters from the most experienced to the Probie just getting their feet wet, we do this job because we love the fire service! Like everyone in life we all have to answer the call one day, we all have take a risk to save someone else and we all know when that day comes we are the best damned trained individuals on the planet. Sometimes we don't come home and that is the sacrifice we swear in on the first day of the Fire Academy! God Bless the Boston Fire Department and the history they have being one of the first Fire Departments in history!
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