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H. Stone 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by H. Stone 1st MRB

  1. I am Disappointed- it was very short Act V Finished- guh I am now checking adventure mode.
  2. DoDs is better the is for nostalgia fun
  4. Just got strider and it's good they are really doing good revamps
  5. May those who love us love us.And those that don't love us,May God turn their hearts.And if He doesn't turn their hearts,May he turn their ankles,So we'll know them by their limping! May you never lie, steal, cheat or drink.But if you must lie, lie in each other's arms.If you must steal, steal kisses.If you must cheat, cheat death.And if you must drink, drink with us, your friends. Here's to women's kisses, and to whiskey, amber clear; not as sweet as a woman's kiss, but a darn sight more sincere! Happy Saint Patrick's
  6. Listen I have actually recently witnessed this recently, that is the aftermath of some dummy place with old fire works, M100 which is practically a 1/2 stick of TNT. You do inside feel sorry for the schmuck, but all I wanted to do was laugh and say you dumbass!The fuse is less then 1/8 inch long what do you think the possibility of this happening it? Martin knows what I am talking about, and I am sure Hall does as well- shit, sick shit is funny!
  7. There is a better one, crypt of ancients in shattered blade 500% xp on torment 1
  8. I am in on this too, My Name is HadrianKhan# 1925 I am Paragon 45
  9. Why can't someone be proud of being in the 1st MRB without being called a brown noser? Is there a problem with having pride and being happy to be apart of something great? C'mon man... Why can't people make a joke, and it just be a joke-everyone takes stuff too seriously-- Plus Candy knows he ain't no brown noser
  10. I say make a poster for the forums out of that! Beautiful, really!Can we now wipe that brown off your face lol JK good job Candy
  11. Blew his hand right off watch the slomo version and you see his hand in threads
  12. http://youtu.be/Uxs1nwPMzwo
  13. Name: Nanl2 Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:20487133 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Multiple Offenses, has been banned several times with increasing issues, last two bans were for gratuitous racial slurs. His attitude, and continual disregard for server rules has disrupted the public server too many times.
  14. Nope Willow we got married and apparently you took my name
  15. Sounds like a porno chick who gives handys
  16. CRaig wailson
  17. Becoming a Member of the CS- Yerrr
  18. I don't cAre that it's fake it's still cool
  19. That's the point Cannon- I was saying he was wrong
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