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H. Stone 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by H. Stone 1st MRB

  1. Here is a little quick soup to help you get through the spring season. 1 Lime or Lemon 2 Chicken Breasts /Skin Removed 1 Cup Diced Carrots 1 Cup Diced Onion 1 Cup Diced Celery 1 Bunch Basil/ or Trader Joes 4 cubes of frozen basil - in blister package 1 Glove of Garlic Grated or Minced 1 Can or Tube Tomato Paste 4oz 1 Table Spoon of Fresh Ginger (Optional) 2 Tablespoons of Italian Seasoning One to Two Boxes Of Chicken Stock depending on how much you want to make. Salt and Pepper To your Taste Liking. Cook the Chicken in a Seperate Pan first and cut into small chunks. ( if you don't know how to cook chicken watch a video : Cook the Raw Vegetables First On Medium High 7-12 mins until soft and fragrant- then add all your seasonings and paste. At this Point ad the Juice Of one Lemon or Lime and its Zest.. Stir until fully Combined. Add the Chicken. Then Add your Stock and Salt and Pepper to your liking. I cook mine on medium high and let boil for about 3 mins then turn it down for a simmer for up to 1 hour. You can add anything you like to this soup- If you want sinus clearing then use the ginger/ and sriracha
  2. Upon reviewing your request, You have been banned numerous times for the same thing, therefore your ban will not be removed. Have a nice day
  3. So I hate LUNAR New Year- I ordered a bunch of medical supplies for my EMT carry bag- for sporting events I cover, I like having extra Hemostat Gauze in my bag for the boxing and Karate matches I cover from time to time. Fun Fact all the factories in China are closed this week for LUNAR New Year, and there is a shortage of Hemostat Gauze. What is Hemostat Gauze- It has a clotting agent in it that makes traumatic bleeds potentially stop- that's the theory behind them. I ordered a 50 Pack the day before LUNAR NEW YEAR- not knowing that it was celebrated this week, just got notice 10-25 from today I might get my shipment. Paypal wont refund or stop the payment- luckily it was only $35 I have to wait for this stuff to come....... also Shhhh Martin
  4. SKIP to 2:11 And post who this reminds you of in the unit.
  5. it comes up as one day
  6. fake- look at the weird colored hand-- yep i said it colored
  7. Name:Pink taco |ßÄЯs Steam I.D:STEAM_0:1:17342468 Duration of Ban: Permanent Reasons for the Ban: Impersonating being a member of BAR
  8. Name:Vietcong Steam I.D:STEAM_0:0:18808537 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: Impersonating a 1st MRB member- Used My Name
  9. anime is always fucked up- find me real life fucked up and we will talk if you have never seen the ANIME "WICKED CITY" or "Vampire Hunter-D" also a mess
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